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As far as I'm aware, Nobody has heard from Riley since she left at 4am this morning. I tried texting and calling but I guess she isn't ready to talk 
This whole thing doesn't seem real at all
It feels just like yesterday where I was cuddled up in bed with Riley talking about our next date, telling Kyle, a future
And now I don't even know where I stand

Kyle came home this morning but has been slumped in his room all day and honestly, I'm not the fussed. He overreacted majorly
I get it, we didn't tell him but we did it to help his feelings 
Not for him to scream in our faces

I dare even think about what Riley felt during all of it 

"Mum I'm telling you! Something is wrong" I hear Piper practically yell making me leave the garden to head to them
"Piper" Mum warned
I got to the hallway to see Kyle stood on the stairs looking as concerned as I did
"Boys, I know you hate each other but please listen to me" Piper said
"Piper, I'm sure Riley is okay. Just leave the poor girl alone for a little bit" Mum said walking out to the kitchen

"Piper what's going on" I asked stepping forward almost standing next to Kyle
"She didn't come to practice. I know it's stupid but she promised" Piper said
"Riley doesn't break promises" Kyle whispered gaining my attention
"Exactly!" Piper exclaimed

"Have either of you spoken to her today?" Mum asked coming back to join us, I looked to Kyle as he shook his head before all eyes landed on me
"I've text and called but no answer" I said to Mum who sighed
"Let me call her Dad and we'll go from there" Mum said leaving the room
I won't lie, something here doesn't seem right at all
"Please don't tell me you are thinking as dark as I am" Kyle said to me quietly, I looked at him and nodded making him sigh
"Mum we're going to go to Riley's we'll meet you there alright?" I called before Piper gave me a smile for reassurance before we were out of the door 


Riley's always been a delicate person, she's had a dark past but I think we were all sure she was passed it 
But what is she isn't

"Riley!" I called entering the house, I was loud enough that she would have answered me
"She isn't in downstairs" Kyle said meeting me at the stairs again
"Alright" I said running upstairs. I glanced at her room before looking to Kyle
"Her bed hasn't been slept in" I said making his eyes widen

"Riley!" I yelled but still no response
"This isn't funny!" Kyle yelled
"Do we know for certain she came home though?" Kyle asked and I nodded pointing to the bag in the door way of her room
"Riley please!" Kyle begged 
I continued to walk, opening every possible door until I noticed the Bathroom door.. It was the only door closed
"No.." Kyle breathed out before we both rushed over 

The moment we opened the door, there was a weight on the other side stopping us from opening the door
We gently managed to get passed it before realising the weight was in fact an unconscious Riley
"No no no" I begged picking her up attempting to get some sort of reaction
"Kyle get me a wet flannel" I ordered, It was the only way I could think of attempting to wake her up

Kyle handed me the flannel and I put it on all the spots that people would tend to get a reaction but there was nothing
"What did she take" I asked making Kyle looking around picking up packet after packet
"A whole fucking pharmacy" He said and I growled at him
"I need fucking names Kyle" I said 
"Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Citalopram" He said making me groan inside
Riley why did you do this

"Call mum and tell her to meet us at the hospital. Tell her to Call Richard" I said before scooping Riley up in my arms carrying her down the stairs
"Riley hold on please" I whispered pulling her in close as I got her into the car

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