A Deadly Obsession

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Inhale, exhale. Inhale, and exhale.

I tried to calm my breathing as I crept quietly in the direction of the last generator, my senses on high alert. My eyes constantly darted around the estate, searching for any telltale flashes of pink or red that would indicate the Legions presence.

As I neared the final generator, my heartbeat increased drastically, telling me that the Killer was still in close proximity. I crouched silently behind a tall swath of bamboo that had thick foliage and stared intently at the area around the gen, waiting for the Legion member to appear.

I had to wait for a few tense minutes, but my patience was rewarded when I saw a small, masked figure prowl into view.

The Killers hands were flexing repeatedly, twitching and twirling her knife around her fingers skillfully as she briefly checked the generator. She shook her head, seemingly frustrated and stood near the gen, staring at it as I watched her carefully.

Where is Jake and when was he going to try and distract her?

I thought to myself, slightly antsy. Not taking my eyes off of Legion, I slowly crawled backwards until I rounded the corner of a loop and sat down quietly.

I guess I have to wait until Jake decides to intervene. I can't do anything by myself, and I'm practically a sitting duck out here.

I sighed inaudibly, and leaned my back against the wood as I waited for Jake to make his move.

"Why...why did she of all people have to be my Obsession?"

I twitched in surprise, hearing a soft voice speak.

Was that...the Legion? Did she just say something???

Peeking around the corner, I strained my ears in case the Legion girl said something else. She said something about an Obsession? I'd heard about Obsessions within the Trials when Nea had trained me but who was Legion talking about? The only women in this Trial were Yui and myself....

As I continued to watch her, Legion began to pace around the generator in a small circle, occasionally shaking her head and kicking some tufts of grass as she muttered to herself.

"Argh! Of course the Entity would fuck with me like this!" Legion snorted a bitter laugh as she continued ranting. "This really is why we can't have nice things, dammit."

Legion paused her pacing and leaned against a large rock, flipping her knife in a circle around her hand as she spoke to herself.

"And the poor thing didn't even realize who I was when we first met...I mean, I sure as hell wasn't going to tell her 'Oh, by the way, guess what? I'm totally a murderer who is going to try to kill you if we get put in a Trial together!'"

I frowned as I tried to think what Legion meant. Who was she talking about? Apparently the Obsession didn't realize that Legion was a Killer, but everyone here in the Realm knows which beings are Killers and which people are Survivors.

My eyes widened as I recalled what Legion had said: "The poor thing didn't even realize who I was when we met....I'm totally a murderer-"

As I was still trying to remember what happened, the Legion girl looked around briefly then reached up and slipped her mask off, sighing with relief and breathing deeply.

I stared in shock at the pink haired girl I had met in the woods a few nights ago, horrified at the mistake I had made. When we met, Legion, or rather- Susie, hadn't had her mask on, or her knife. I had mistaken her as a fellow Survivor!

Susie must have sensed my intense stare, because she twitched slightly and looked around quickly before she slipped her mask back on.

I was still staring in shock when we both heard a loud metallic clank, indicating that Jake had sabotaged a hook across the map.

Susie's head whipped in the direction of the sound and without hesitation, she prowled swiftly in that direction, knife held at the ready.

I watched her leave, my heartbeat steadying the further away she went, and slowly crept to the mostly repaired generator. As I knelt by the gen and began my repairs, my mind was still reeling over the fact that I had unknowingly connected with one of the Killers.

How could I have been so stupid? Usually the Killers are physically deformed and it's very obvious that they aren't a Survivor, but in my defense, Susie looked like a normal teenage girl.

I worked on the gen, mind racing as I flipped levers, connected wires and twisted knobs.

It made sense that I was the Obsession this Trial, given the information I now knew. That would also explain the weird connection I had felt with her this whole Trial, but it could also have been the strange familiarity I felt with her because I subconsciously recognized her.

As I neared completing the generator, I jerked when I heard Jake's pained scream as he was downed. Other than paying special attention to any other sounds and my heartbeat, I continued working feverishly. The generator was only a minute away from being fully repaired and I wasn't going to stop now when it was so close.

I cranked knobs and twisted dials as my vision was filled with the familiar flash of crimson and I heard Jake's final scream, sharply cut off as the Entity took his body from the Trial.

Sweating, my heartbeat increasing rapidly, I flipped one last dial and the final generator roared to life, the floodlights at the top flaring brightly.

My heart was beating so fast and my spine tingle was so strong that I knew Legion must have been standing right behind me.

I slowly stood up and without turning around said quietly, "So...I suppose you have to kill me now, right?"

Other than quiet, muffled breathing and some shuffling noises, Legion didn't respond.

I snorted and said, "What, no response?" I turned to face her and stared into the dark eyeholes of her mask. "I shouldn't be surprised, I guess. After all, you were pretty shy the first time we met as well..."


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