New People

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Muffled voices leaked into my brain; I didn't recognize either of them. I found I couldn't move so I just decided lay still and listen for now.

"Hey, is she d-dead?! I can't wake her up!" A slightly high pitched male voice asked in a panic. I heard a sound like someone got punched.

"Of course she's not 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑑, Dwight. The Entity wouldn't give us a dead noob, *𝐝𝐢𝐧 𝐣𝐚̈𝐯𝐥𝐚* idiot!" A woman's clear voice rang out sharply.

"Owwww, Nea, why did you have to hit me? I didn't even do anything to her!" The mans voice, who I now knew was someone named Dwight, whined. I had to hold back a laugh; these people sounded like me and my friends from back home.

The woman, Nea,  spoke like she was talking to a small child, "I hit you because you were being a *𝐟𝐞𝐠* again. Honestly, for someone who calls himself our 'leader', you sure don't act like it."

I felt a slim hand shaking my shoulder none to gently as Nea continued speaking. "*𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚̊,* hey, wake up Noob!" I tried to sit up and groaned at the ache all over my body. "Ow...where am I and who the hell ARE you people?" I snapped as I lightly batted Nea's hand away.

She snorted and rocked back on her heels. "Damn, sassy already huh? I can see why the Entity thought you'd spice things up here." She watched as I looked around, decided to sit on a log that was right behind me and waited for me to speak.

I rolled my eyes and repeated my question while I took a look at my surroundings. I was sitting on one log of multiple around a campfire, giant trees surrounding us. Fog rolled in thick waves close to the ground as far as I could see. I wondered how long it would take for me to trip over something.

Dwight stood on the other side of the fire, alternating between looking at me and Nea and nervously scanning the trees. I noticed he was a nail biter as I looked him over.

He wore a dirty grey button up shirt with a tie hanging crookedly down the front. Battered, smudged and thick rimmed glasses made me push my own clean pair up my nose self consciously. He also wore pair of dark pants, spattered with what looked like mud and a healthy dose of grime. His short, dark hair was spiked up and filled with twigs and other debris like he'd been running through these woods like a maniac.

With my examination of Dwight complete, I turned to Nea. Man, when I say looking at her after Dwight felt like looking at a hawk next to a pigeon....

The woman next to me was built slender and athletic, with piercing blue eyes and a hard gaze. She wore a dark green tank top and some black jeans with a chain hanging from her belt loop and wore a grey beanie. Her dark brown hair fell in a curtain on the left side of her face and she too was lightly covered in blood and grime, much like Dwight.

She looked like she wouldn't hesitate to beat someone's ass if she needed to, so I decided to try and stay on her good side for now. Much as I hated to admit it, I 𝑤𝑎𝑠 the new kid here. Wherever here was, which brought me back to my previous question. I tuned back into what Nea was saying, listening carefully.

"...and it looks like you're the newest addition." Nea finished, glancing at me to see my reaction. "I'm sorry, can you repeat that for me? I didn't hear you," I said.

"Ugh, what the hell were you doing this whole time then?!" She dropped down next to me on the log and stared at me incredulously. My naturally flirtatious personality came out before I could help it and I said "Just checking you out, that's all."

Nea looked at me then Dwight in disbelief and snorted a laugh. "*𝐊𝐧𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐚,* I like her already!" Dwight started shuffling nervously and said "We've been away for too long; we can explain what's going on once we get back. We need to introduce her to everyone else anyways-" and started to walk away.

"Away?" I asked. "Away from where?" Nea stood up and offered me a hand. "Away from your new home. He's right, I can explain when we get to the main Campfire." I got up without her help and dusted myself off.

"Well then, lead the way," I said and gestured for her to walk in front of me. She laughed and started walking into the mist. I followed her but hesitated when I came to the edge of the firelight. The Fog seemed to get thicker and swirled a tad faster as I approached.

"Hey, Noobie! You coming or not?" I heard Nea's voice through the Fog and I shook my head. My imagination wasn't going to get the best of me. I steeled myself and plunged into the Fog after her.

𝐷𝑖𝑛 ℎ𝑎̈𝑣𝑙𝑎 - 𝐷𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑠
𝐹𝑒𝑔 - 𝐶𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑
Knulla - Fuck
𝐻𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑎̊ - 𝐻𝑒𝑦

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