More New People

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Once the Fog cleared from my eyes, I was met by the sight of the main Campfire. A few Survivors were sitting around, but as soon as they saw us, they got up and came forward.

Claudette rushed toward us and began fussing over the Survivors who just came out of the Trial, but she paid special attention to me, clicking her tongue at every scratch I had. Kate and Jane waved to me before heading off to their respective tents and Cheryl stayed with me, telling Claudette about the Trial.

Cheryl watched as Claudette finished her inspection and said, "She did very well, especially since this was her first Trial." Here she gestured at me with a small, proud smile. "She even got Trapper to talk a bit at the end before we escaped." Claudette looked at me in surprise before she responded, "Really? That's quite the shock. He doesn't usually talk. In fact, almost none of the Killers do."

I shrugged as I didn't know what to say and stifled a yawn. Now that I didn't have fear induced adrenaline coursing through my veins, I suddenly felt tired. Both women noticed and Cheryl suggested we go back to our tent for some rest. I happily agreed and we bid Claudette goodbye before we headed to our tent.

As we trekked back, I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into someone. I fell backwards and blinked in confusion. I looked up to see who I ran into and my jaw literally dropped.

A tall, muscular Asian woman stared at me with amusement in her eyes. She had thick blond hair that fell in waves to her shoulders and racing goggles that rested on her forehead. She wore a pink crop top that showed off her abs and a yellow and grey jacket that was unzipped. Matching yellow and grey pants hugged her muscular legs and led to protective knee high boots. Various gold rings and bracelets adorned her hands and wrists which clinked softly as she offered me a hand up.

I took it in a daze and let her hoist me to my feet. I directed my question at Cheryl, but my eyes never left this gorgeous woman's as I spoke. "Who...who is this?" The woman in question chuckled softly as Cheryl responded, "That's Yui Kimura. I'm surprised you haven't met her yet, but judging from your reaction, I'm guessing this is the first time you've seen her." Laughter laced her words, but I was too enamored to blush like I usually would have.

Yui hadn't released my hand yet so she gave it a firm shake as she said, "Nice to finally meet you." I might have responded intelligently, but I was too tired and crushing too hard to tell. Yui and Cheryl both stared at me with a raised eyebrow then Cheryl said, "Um, do you still want to rest...or..." I snapped out of my daze and blushed. "Yeah, uh, yeah that's a good idea."

Yui let go of my hand and gave me another smile. As she walked off, she said, "I'll see you later then. It was nice running into you." Her chuckle drifted back to me as Cheryl and I kept walking.

We finally made it to our tent and I face planted into my pillow as soon as the tent was zipped up. Cheryl laid down normally and laughed as I let out a loud sigh of happiness. I pushed myself into a comfier position and pulled my blanket up to my chin.

"Hey Cher," I yawned sleepily. "After we wake up, would you mind teaching me your skills?" She smiled and agreed. We bade each other good night and went to sleep.

~Next morning~

I was woken up by light hitting my closed eyes and I stretched luxuriously. Shoving my blanket off, I noticed Cheryl's spot was empty and crawled out of the tent. Gentle sunlight filtered through the trees and I took a moment to appreciate the view before I started toward the main campfire.

As I walked, my stomach growled loudly, reminding me that I hadn't eaten anything since I got here. I wondered if the other Survivors had any food and quickened my pace.

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