Too Close For Comfort

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Fuck fuck fuck FUCK!

I cursed as I ran behind some empty shelves in the shop, Trapper not far behind me. I knew I was going to be found eventually, but I still panicked when I saw him. Something about a very tall, bloodstained man with a huge cleaver chasing me was enough to wipe every coherent thought from my brain.

Trapper rounded the corner and we made brief eye contact before I ran out the back, desperately looking for a pallet. I was being chased, yeah, but there's no way I'd miss the chance to slam a wall of wood on this bastards head!

As he followed me out, I saw a pallet just up ahead and ran toward it. My first instinct was to yank it down right after I passed it but I remembered the other Survivors telling me to run around it as much as I could before I had to pull it down. I noticed there was only a small pile of debris around the pallet so I wouldn't be able to avoid using it for too long.

Trapper and I played a brief game of peekaboo; I could tell he was trying to scare me into pulling the pallet but I wasn't going to fall for such a basic trick. He finally went through the pallet and I ran around the debris as he continued chasing me. I managed to last for about a minute before he got way too close to landing a hit. I ran through the pallet and pulled it down, stunning him in the middle of a powerful swing.

I heard his deep grunt of pain as I ran away, into a "loop" as the other Survivors called it. It was just a bunch of short walls placed in random patterns, with a window for me to jump through. I knew Trapper could also step over the window but that would slow him down enough for me to gain some distance on him.

I peeked out from behind a wall as I watched him raise his leg and break the pallet. Damn, if he could break that whole pallet with just his leg, that was one strong man! He started toward me and I ran around another wall and waited at the corner so I could see where he was coming from.

He came around the corner and I ran to the window and hoisted myself through it, looking back to make sure he was following me. As he stepped through the window I ran away, heading towards a pair of school buses. When I reached the buses, I heard the sound of a completed gen and suddenly I saw a couple of large gates in my minds eye.

They vanished after a few seconds and I memorized where they were. My teammates had repaired the last gen and were hopefully working on opening the gates. I had to keep Trapper distracted till then. I saw him striding towards me so I ran into one of the buses and waited by a pallet that was inside.

He came around the corner but stopped outside the bus when he saw me standing by the pallet. I just stared at him as calmly as I could, my heart pounding out of my chest and my breathing rapid. We stared at each other for a minute, neither of us moving. His eyes were full of subtle anger and what seemed like a hint of curiosity.

When he spoke, I jerked out of surprise. "I haven't seen you before. Who did you come with?" His voice was deep and gravelly, it almost distracted me from his question. I cocked my head to the side and raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean, who did I come with?"

He huffed irritatedly and explained, "You're a new Survivor. Whenever a new Survivor joins the Entity's Realm, they always bring a new Killer with them. Who did you come with?"

I snorted and crossed my arms. "Wouldn't you be the one to know the answer to that?" I sassed. "It's not like I can just pop over to the Killers area and be like: 'Oh hey guys, I don't suppose you've seen some new Killer?'"

Trapper stared at me with a mix of amusement and anger. "You're quite bold for someone who hasn't escaped, aren't you?" I simply shifted closer to the pallet and stuck my tongue out at him. In the distance, we heard a series of loud, metallic buzzing. I knew that indicated that someone was opening a Gate. I looked at him and snarked, "You're awfully bad at chasing Survivors, aren't you? I mean, catching me is your job, isn't it?"

He grunted and replied, "I'm going to be punished for not securing any kills anyway. I haven't even seen you the whole match, much less hooked you." I just looked at him. "You get...punished? For not killing us?" He nodded silently. I mean, I guess it made sense, but it seemed like a raw deal.

"Do you even want to be here, killing and hurting people over and over again?" I examined his eyes as he stayed quiet, pondering a response. Or just wondering if he could catch me before I could slam the pallet down.

After he stayed silent, I shrugged and moved away from the pallet. As I expected, he started forward and I let him get closer before I darted back and yanked the pallet down on his head for the second time this Trial. He grunted and his knees buckled as I ran towards an Exit Gate.

I could see a couple women standing by the lever, waiting anxiously. It looked like Jane and Kate, and as I got closer I heard a pair of soft footsteps running after me. I looked back, thinking it might be Trapper, but I saw Cheryl coming up behind me. I slowed to let her catch up to me and looked at her questioningly. "I was trying to be near in case you got hooked or hurt," she explained as we continued running toward the Gate and our teammates.

I nodded and as we got closer, Jane reached over and pulled the lever down briefly before the Gate crawled open. The ground began to shake and crooked orange lines began to form. We all ran into the short alley and Cheryl and I stopped to catch our breath.

We watched as Trapper came close but not inside the Exit and watched us leave. Kate and Jane ran out the moment Trapper came close and I hesitated, looking back at him. His eyes studied me and he held his cleaver loosely. Cheryl began edging toward the exit and reached for my hand.

I let her pull me outside but I threw one last look over my shoulder at Trapper. He stood in the same place but with his head tilted down in defeat.

That was the last thing I saw before white Fog blocked my view and I was transported back to the Survivors Campfire.

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