[06] A Sunflower (Sho & Ren)

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It had reached dusk

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It had reached dusk. The two of them stood quietly by the river bank, side by side. Eyes fixated above, noticing the shades of red and purple starting to darken the sky.

Ren looked down when he felt a hand grab his, seeing Sho with a desperate and unreadable expression on his face, begging him to stay.

"Let's stay here. For a little bit. Please?" He pleaded, forcing a little smile unto his dry lips.

Ren glanced at his wrist watch before smiling weakly to the other, ruffling his red locks of hair.

"Well, I guess we have a little more time. But, just a bit." He told him, which earned him a large smile from the other that almost mirrors the setting sun.

They settled down unto the grass. And they both fell into a comfortable silence, only listening to the calm sound of running water from the river below. There were even a few fireflies flickering across the trees and bushes.

Ren leaned his head on Sho's shoulder, and he kissed him on the head. Burying his nose unto his hair, breathing in his scent, the familiar scent of citrus. With a little touch of alcohol.

Together, they watched the sunset. As the sky turned into a brilliant shades of gold, magenta and violet. As the golden crown of the sun quietly slid down the treetops. As they held hands. As they held each other close.

The wind blows, cold. And they scooted close to each other. The red-head nuzzling against his neck, humming lazily along a satisfied sigh. Ren wrapped his arms around the others shoulder, pulling him close to him as possible, hands gently combing his red locks of hair.

Ren looked down once again, staring at the others eyes. The color in the sky reflecting his crystal orbs, a combination of gold, purple, red, with a touch of orange and green. It sparkles, like a diamond emitting the colors of the rainbow. It was beautiful.

At last, the sun had almost completely disappeared below the horizon, the sky mostly a dark blue. A few tiny streaks of gold still lit up the sky. The air had became slightly chilly.

Ren untangled himself from the other, getting on his feet and dusting his pants off. He looked down and offered his hand. "Let's go back."

"Yeah. . ." Sho says, accepting his hand and Ren pulled him up to his feet.

They made their way back. Hand in hand. Whispering quiet words of comfort. Laughing every now and then. Taking their time, savoring every moment. Even slowing on their steps to buy them more time to be around with each other. Stopping at every shops they passes by, looking over the windows before continuing to walk.

"Ah! Look!" Sho exclaimed as they made a sudden halt, beaming; pointing a finger on the shop they passed. "Let's get one!"

"Ha? Why? I thought its not allowed to take plants in?" Ren whined, although not complaining when he was dragged inside the shop.

"Not for me, silly. For you. Come on, choose!" Sho told him excitedly. Already looking over the numerous displays of flowers in a small pot.

Ren's not a fan of plants, especially those who needs meticulous caring. He already had a lot on his plate right now. Far more needs his care that this forsaken plants. Far more important matter to care about. Sho was already one of them. And he doesn't need another one.

He already has his hands full of worry the last few days. He already has a lot on his mind concerning a certain red-haired guy, and he doesn't want another thing to occupy his mind other than the man he was with right now. In fact, he doesn't want to think of anything if it's not about Sho.

But, as he turned to his side, his eyes caught a bright and large flower in a small pot beside the window. It wasn't as fresh as the other flowers in the shop, its leaves almost drying—even its yellowish petals had fallen. The flower probably wouldn't last a day anymore.

"Let's take that one," he suddenly suggested, getting his companions attention. Pointing at the small sunflower by the window. "That one."

"Why?" Sho curiosity asked, picking up the pot and inspecting the planted flower.

"Its like you."


Ren chuckled. "I meant it in a good way."

"Oh, really? And it's supposed to make me feel better?"

"Its a positive compliment."

Sho was pouting, unsatisfied with his answer. He was kicking his feet against the pavement, probably still a little annoyed when they left the shop. Although he was carrying the pot of sunflower in his arms, he had been mumbling incoherent words to which Ren couldn't understand.

"I heard sunflower is associated with the sun," Ren started, looking away when the other turned to him, embarrassed. "And you're like the sun. Atleast, for me."


Ren bit his lips, squeezing the red-heads hand before answering with a sigh. "You're bright—I mean, your smile is always bright. When you're excited, your eyes sparkles and. . . just too bright for my eyes. . ."

"Huh. . ."

"Argh, I don't know! Its just that, when you're around, everything just seems so bright. So, yeah. . ." Ren scratched the back if his neck, and the red-head noticed how his ears turned red from embarrassment.

"Hmm. If you say so." Sho grinned, standing on tiptoes to place a kiss on his lovers cheek. Which made the silver-haired guys cheeks turned red.

Their trip eventually came to an end. And Ren felt a squeeze in his chest as he look up the tall building infront of him. Gripping Sho's hand in his, not wanting to let go.

"Ren. . ." the smaller called, turning to him with a little smile. "Thanks for today. It was fun."

"Y-yeah. . ."

"Go straight home, alright?"

"Y-yeah. . ."

"And, take care of this," he handed him the flower pot, tilting his head on the side. "Keep it alive, alright? If you let it die, I won't forgive you."

"I will. . ." Ren answered, leaning forward to kiss the other on his forehead and nose, earning giggles from him. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

Sho waved his hand before walking away, leaving him standing outside. He clutched the pot close to his chest as he watch him enter the door. Looking back once again to wave at him before he disappears.

"Sho. . ."

* * * * *

Ren was woken up by the loud ringing of his phone on the side. He cracked open an eye, catching a glimpse of light peaking from the blinds of his window. He grabbed his phone and answered the call without looking who the caller is. He was almost half-asleep when he says his greeting.

"Hello. . .?"

"Mr. Ravela?"


"Its about Sho Castel. . ."

Hearing the name, Ren instinctively glanced at his window, eyes looking for that thing. His eyes widen as he saw how its leaves completely dried, and petals almost gone.

"W-what about him?"

The last petal fell along the numerous dried ones. As the sun rises over the horizon, lighting the once dark world; the sunflower withered.

"I'm sorry. . . He's gone."

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