"Anata ni ganbattetainda."

16 2 0

Shiro : Shikishima Yuya?

Yuya : (startled and steps away) (tries to act cool) Konnichiwa. Is Nami in?

Shiro : Oh... she just went home.

Yuya : (wonders) Home? I thought she had something urgent at work...

Shiro : Do you need something from her? ... Maybe I can help you with?

Yuya : Uh... thanks... but... I was just hoping she was here.

Shiro : She went to your rehearsal today.

Yuya : Yes. But she left without letting me know.

Shiro : Really?

Yuya : I was wondering myself...

Shiro : Maybe something happened.

Yuya : Huh?

Shiro : That's why she suddenly left.

Yuya : ... what?

Shiro : Maybe she realized something... that's why she decided to avoid you.

Yuya : (feels irritated) And how would you know that?

Shiro : How would I not? ... You're not the only person she talks to.

Yuya : ...

Shiro : We've been working together for 2 years... so I guess I know her better than you.

Yuya : You know her better? (chuckles away)

Shiro : I'm not showing off my relationship with her... it's just that... I think I understand her better...

Yuya : Re-relationship?

Shiro : I've spent more time with her while you were in France... studying your music.

Yuya : I didn't want to but she asked me to go.

Shiro : (stops)

Yuya : I went to France because of her. You have no right to be questioning my intentions for her...

Shiro : (observes his expression) Sou ka. Warui. (I see. Sorry, my bad.)

Yuya : ... (looks away and tried to ease his emotion)

Shiro : Let's talk about it over.

Yuya : Ha?

Shiro : Come. I know a good place to eat.

(They go over to a nice Japanese sushi restaurant.)

Shiro : Excuse me if I offended you a while ago.

Yuya : Good that you know you're being offensive.

Shiro : (chuckles) I was just concerned about Nami.

Yuya : (wonders)

Shiro : You know... when she seems bothered... I get bothered too.

Yuya : Bothered?

Shiro : I am that kind of friend.

Yuya : ...

Shiro : Although I won't deny that I hoped for more.

Yuya : (glares at him)

Shiro : But... (smirks) ... that's all I could ever be to her. (thinks) It seems like she gets affected a lot because of you.

Yuya : (wonders)

Shiro : (recalls) That's the first time I ever saw her so frustrated.

Yuya : (mutters to himself) Frustrated?

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