Friend or Not?

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(A few days passed again and Yuya is having his usual staff meeting and were discussing about his first grand collaboration with this famous singer. He was asked to play the piano for one of the songs to be sung and also gets a chance for a solo performance, but Rika suddenly suggests for a duet, instead of a solo performance.)

Yuya : Duet?

Rika : Why not? It'll be exciting!

Manager : Yes, I agree! Why don't you two have a duet on his concert! You two are becoming quite popular these days now and I'm sure the people will be excited to hear both of you together.

Yuya : I don't know...

Rika : Come on, Yuya. We used to play duets... remember?

Yuya : ...

Rika : They'll love it! Do it for the audience.

Yuya : ... (thinks)

(The meeting ends and the manager is delighted for the upcoming concert.)

Yuya : Rika.

Rika : Hm?

Yuya : ... I just want to clear things up, okay... this performance... duet... I'm doing it for-

Rika : For the audience. I know. (smiles)

Yuya : Look... about what you said the other day... I don't think-

Rika : We'll definitely do a great performance, ne Yuya!

Yuya : ...

Rika : ... I hope you'll do your best. Like you always do. I hope it won't affect the performance.

Yuya : Of course. I just thought... you...

Rika : I'll definitely do my best too.

Yuya : ...

Rika : I better go now. I've got another meeting today. Jaa ne~ (leaves the room and when she closes the door, her cheerful expression changes.)


(At Nami, the client is satisfied with the Sakura notebook collection designs and signs a 3-year contract with them. Shiro feels very proud of her and treats her to dinner at an okonomiyaki shop.)

Shiro : Warui ne... for a wonderful artist like you, I should be treating you to a much more expensive restaurant. (chuckles) I suck being your partner... seriously.

Nami : Don't worry about it. (smiles) I don't mind at all.

Shiro : I am a lame manager. (laughs away)

Nami : You like okonomiyaki?

Shiro : (nods) My favorite.

Nami : (smiles) My dad loved okonomiyaki... so my mom used to cook this at home...

Shiro : Really? Wow... I should've met you earlier...

Nami : ... (smiles)

Shiro : I'm sure they were great parents.

Nami : (nods)

Shiro : So... How was your date the other day?

Nami : (shocked) E-eh?

Shiro : With the pianist.

Nami : D-deeto janai... (It wasn't really a date...)

Shiro : (observes her reaction) Wasn't it?

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