Frustration... Separation...

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(Next day...during breakfast)

Megumi : She wouldn't have run like that if nothing happened.

Yuya : But nothing really happened.

Megumi : Uso da. I know you... you must've teased her.

Yuya : Ha?

Megumi : Nami's such a shy and innocent girl. She's not one of those girls who go after you.

Yuya : Wakatteru yo. I know she's different.

(He suddenly remembers her crying while he played piano)

Megumi : You better stay away from her.

Yuya : What? (glares) But I said I didn't do anything to her! Geez! (leaves the table and goes out)

(At Nami's house...)

(Doorbell rings)

Nami : (peeks through the window and sees Yuya standing outside) Ya-yabai... (hides but remembers what she said to him the other day) ... (goes to the door and opens it slowly) H-hai?

Yuya : Can you photocopy these piano sheets for me?

Nami : ... (nods)

Yuya : Great.

Nami : ...

Yuya : (waiting)

Nami : ...?

Yuya : Can I come in?

Nami : Eh?

Yuya : I, well, selected some songs... so...

Nami : S-sou? ... (opens the door wider) ... douzo. (Come inside.)

Yuya : (goes in and looks around) Ojamashimasu... (Sorry for the intrusion...)

(Nami leads him to the other room and he follows slowly but he stops when he notices some paintings in the other room)

Yuya : Did you do this?

Nami : (wonders and turns to see him) (nervously runs back and shuts the door) Yamete-!

Yuya : (shocked)

Nami : ... you didn't see anything.

Yuya : ... S-sou ka.

Nami : This way. (leads him to the other room)


Yuya : Pages 1-14... then... this... and this... and also this... then from page 54 to the rest of the songs.

Nami (listing)

Yuya : You got that?

Nami : (nods)

Yuya : So, I'll just come back later to pick it up. Right?

Nami : (nods)

Yuya : (smiles)

Nami : (looks at him and blushes)


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