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Temi groaned as she slowly sat up in her bed.

Her legs ached like crazy.

She practiced all night.

Jamal looked so tired also.

Today's program started by 10am because there were so many things to do.

She was even sure one more program was gonna be added.

She got up and stretched.
Her whole body ached. So much.

She quickly had her shower,wore her school's basketball outfit and grabbed her essentials in a bag.

Cynthia also got ready,wore the matching basketball outfit and they all walked outside

They took an Uber to the venue.

The venue wasn't that far,but they just felt lazy this morning.

Miss Kamsy was talking about it,she was encouraging them but Temi's mind was far gone.

She was thinking of her life. She knew there was only a little this competition could help her with.

It couldn't cater for what she needed.

She was even starting to worry about her forthcoming examinations like JAMB,WAEC etc.

SSCE started in about a month,and she needed to pass with flying colours.

"Temi?" Miss Kamsy's cool voice said.


"What are you worrying about?"

"Nothing," Temi chuckled. "I think I'm nervous"

Miss Kamsy put a hand on her shoulder and smiled.
"I know you'll do your best," she smiled again. "You're one of the best basketball players in Coral Springs"

"There's really no need to flatter me" Temi chuckled as the ride came to an end.

They got down,and Temi could hear music from the large stadium.

Dayo already started walking inside as Miss Kamsy paid for the ride.

They all walked inside as Jamal held Temi's hands.

She was nervous.

She really was.

"The basketball competition for girls will begin in ten minutes. All players should please confirm that they have been signed up at the front desk!" The announcer says through the speakers.

Miss Kamsy, Cynthia and Temi walked to the desk to confirm while the others went to sit down..

Temi told her name and school to the lady at the desk.

She confirmed Temi's and Cynthia's names and told them to sit where the other players were sitting.

"Just signal if you need anything" Miss Kamsy whispered to Temi and Cynthia before walking to the others.

Temi sat on a bench where various girls were stretching and jogging on the spot.

"Oh," a familiar voice said. "We meet again"

Temi rolled her eyes as she recognized it as Danielle's voice.

Temi just sighed as she closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down.

"You know you don't stand a chance, right?" Danielle asked

"Is this whole thing really about winning?" Temi asked

"Only losers say a game isn't about winning"

"It's the bitter truth, Danielle," Temi said. "When your only target is winning,you forget to actually have fun. And when the whole thing is over,you try to rack your brain, looking for fun memories but you find none"

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