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"So, what's the reason for the bubbly mood?" Temi asked chewing her lickerish.

"Well,I created a website for a company last night and they paid me a lot of money" Jamal replied swinging his arm around Temi's shoulder.

"So they don't have someone already employed to do that?" Temi asked

"Nope,the company recently came into business,so they don't have someone yet" he replied as they walked through the hallways.

"Oh, alright then" Temi replied as they walked into the cafeteria

"What are you ordering?" Jamal asked Temi.

Temi brought out her meal card and shrugged.
"Pasta with shredded chicken"

"Bill's on me" Jamal chuckled as he placed an order

"Thank you,but I can buy my food,Jamal"Temi replied.

"I know you can. But lemme take care of that  today" he said receiving her food.

He took his own plate filled with rice, plantain,sauce and chicken and walked to the table.

"Jamal,you didn't have to pay for my food" Temi argued as they sat down.

"Yes,I did. I'm sharing my success with my friend"

"You could have given me a share of success by doing something else. We could have purchased a basketball with the money and shared that basketball"

"By sharing the basketball," he ate a spoon of his food. "Do you mean cutting it into two?"

"No,of course not-you know what I mean" Temi glared at him.

He chuckled and drank some water.

"Where's Favour and Kudi?" Jamal asked.

"Press Club meeting" Temi replied.

"During break?"

Temi shrugged as she continued to eat.

"Hey Jamal!" Nifemi grinned walking to them.

(Nifemi is Jamal's friend. She has been mentioned in previous chapters)

"Hey, Nifemi" He asked still eating.

She sat down next to Jamal and smiled at Temi.


"Hey Nifemi. How're you doing?"

"Oh,I'm doing great. I'm just having a hectic day" she pouted

"I'm sorry about that" Temi replied and Nifemi offered her a smile.

Jamal and Nifemi began to talk,and that was when Temi noticed Neville walk past their table, staring at her.

He smirked at her,and she looked away.

His eyes even screamed danger.

(Neville was mentioned in chapter 9)

"You're not eating? Is there something wrong with the pasta?" Jamal asked Temi.

She cleared her throat and shook her head.
"It's fine"

Nifemi kept on rambling about drama Club and how tired she is.

"You never used to like drama,Nifemi" Jamal commented as he wrapped up with his food.

"Well,now I live for it," she drank some water. "I have to follow in my mom's footsteps. Maybe one day,I'll be an actress"

Jamal nodded as the bell jingled.

Jamal stood up,but Nifemi was still eating.

"Wait for me. I'm almost done" she said and Jamal sighed.

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