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"What is it? Don't you understand it when I tell you to go away?" Femi barked at Kudi suddenly startling her.

"Calm down,Femi. What's wrong?" She asked

"You're wrong. I find it frustrating when you don't listen to me" he said as tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

"But,I don't think I did anything wrong. I was just trying to be nice" she said

"Then stop," he sighed. "Who do you think you are? I was having a chat with my friends and you think you can show up and just intrude in our conversation. I told you to act like you don't know me when we're around people!" He yelled one more time.

"Why?. But I'm your girlfriend"

He shook his head,clearly boiling and walked past her slightly pushing her.

Kudi tried to take in what just happened,then she practiced how to fake smile in front of the glass.

A few tears slipped out but she wiped them away,..

She wore her smile again as she walked out of the computer room. Thank goodness it was empty. She didn't want anyone overhearing that.

She wore that smile till school ended,but she was getting the feeling Temi knew that smile was fake.

"Bye, Tems" she told Temi as Temi walked into the car

"I've been looking for you all around," Temi sighed. "Something happened right?" She asked as she looked into Kudirat's eyes

Kudirat looked away and tapped her fingers on the car.

Temi turned to her driver.

"Excuse us sir. I'll give you a phone call when we're done"

"Of course" the man said as he got down.

Kudi got into the car and Temi fully faced her.

"Now,tell me what happened. I noticed after lunch,your mood changed," Kudirat tried to say something but Temi stopped her and continued. "Don't even try lying because other people might have believed you were fine but I didn't,and I still don't because that smile you had on was too much for a normal person" Temi ended and Kudi lightly chuckled

"It's about Femi" Kudi said and Temi just shook her head with a slightly evil laugh

"Is he still in there?" Temi asked pointing to the school building

"It's a Thursday,so he should," Kudi said and she noticed Temi was obviously planning something that won't go well for both parties;theirs and Femi's. "Please, don't talk to him. You know Femi has a temper,what if he does something?" Kudi said and Temi laughed again.

"When he's not mad," Temi raised her voice. "He doesn't know my mom is from Lagos Island. Yes,Lagos Island;where they fight almost everyday. Let him try something, he'll know that I'm more than what he's seeing"

"I just need you to calm down,okay. And please,even listen to what he did first" Kudirat said and Temi nodded.

"He was talking with his friends,and I went to their table,I gave Femi a peck and he scrunched up his face which was very embarrassing. I then sat beside him,then he shifted away. So after all that,he excused both of us,he then dragged me outside and told me to sit somewhere else. He was being very violent by dragging me here and there when I was being stubborn," she paused and showed Temi her arm. It's very obvious his nails bit into her skin a little bit. "Then after that,I still went back to the table,and he was getting impatient. A few minutes later,he took me to the computer room and started yelling, telling me to act like I don't know him when we're in public"

"He injured your arm,Kudi. What kind of nails does he have?" Temi yelled

"Your kind" Kudi replied pointing to Temi's long and well manicured nails.

"I'm being serious,Kudi. This is trash" Temi said

"I've been handling that trash for years now,and it won't hurt to carry on"

"Yes it will,Kudirat. You're not some girl he can talk to like his daughter"

"I only ask myself whether I'm not good enough,or I don't have what other girls I have. I even ask myself if Femi is actually right about me being useless or even ugly" Kudirat said as she picked at her finger nails

Temi made Kudi look at her. 
"Kudi,you are beautiful,you are a very smart mind and I'm lucky to have you as a friend. You're so strong even when you go through hell with your family anytime you don't adhere to their strict Muslim rules. There's so much expectation coming from your family and you're simply just trying to be the best you can be. Please don't make some goat make you feel like you're not enough" Temi said and hugged Kudi.

Tears slipped out of Kudirat's eyes and Temi wiped them away.

"Don't cry. He's not worth these precious drops of tears"

Kudi nodded as she sighed and leaned back.

"Let's go teach someone's son his manners" Temi said as she unlocked the door

"Shoot-" Kudi whispered flying out of the car. She walked as fast as she could to catch up with Temi. No no no. Temi!

"Please be nice,Temi" Kudi whispered into Temi's ear as they walked into the school.

Temi was obviously fuming and Kudi knew this would happen eventually.
Typical Temi;she pours her heart out to you and will make you feel on top of the world before going into action.

"Temi,are you even listening to me? Let's make out a plan and we'll follow it because you don't look like you've planned this out. I'm so scared-" Kudi continued to rant in a low tone

"Just follow me,Kudi"

Temi halts when she gets to the football pitch where a match is going on. She begins to walk to the pitch.

"You're interrupting a match" Kudi says

When Temi spots Femi,she smiles

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