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"If you like,bring your wretched mom here!" The woman shouted

Temi was trying hard to calm herself down as her lips trembled.

"I didn't even-" Temi started but the woman shunned her

"See what I'm saying;you lack home training" the woman argued as her dad stepped into the living room.

"Mama Fola, what's all the ruckus about?" Her dad asked

"Don't mind this idiot" the woman replied

"Just calm down, don't raise your blood pressure" her dad said

"Dismiss!. What are you still doing here?" The woman said as Temi walked to her room.
When she got in,she slammed the door and just sat on the floor.
Her chest heaved up and down,and she closed her eyes.

She opened her mouth wide to catch some air,but it was no use. She got her inhaler from the drawer,she put it in her mouth and used it.

When she was calm,she just looked out the window.

And people would think Temi had all the luxury, people would sit down and think she was treated like a princess.

What did she even do? Senior wife told her to iron one of her wrappers. Temi didn't see the need to be ironing a wrapper,but she did it anyways. And she mistakenly burnt the wrapper. Although it was just a small hole,the woman was ranting all around the house.
She then started to insult Temi.

She wasn't even familiar the house's iron because Temi had her personal iron. She even told the woman that she wasn't familiar with the iron,but the woman told her to do it anyways.
She then asked for water,and Temi just put the cup and the water beside the woman.

Then,senior wife started insulting Temi,and told her that she should have poured the water for her
Meanwhile,this same woman had warned Temi not to pour water for her. She told Temi she didn't need her dirty fingers on the cup.

Her offences didn't deserve that amount of insults.

"We have a maid for crying out loud!" Temi said as she sobbed again.

The worst part was that her dad didn't interfere.
He watched Fola's mom call her an idiot,but he stayed quiet.

Temi walked outside,she didn't know where to go,but she didn't wanna stay in that house.
When she got to the living room, Fola's mom asked her where she was going.

"I don't know ma" was all Temi replied and left

"You're stupid for that answer! You'll come back here to meet me" the woman yelled.

Temi walked to the car,when she got into it,the driver followed suit.

"It's late madam. Senior wife has instructed me not to take you out past some times" the driver said.

"Drive" Temi said

"Madam,Senior wife said-" the man began

"I literally just asked you to drive!" Temi's voice echoed in the car,slightly startling the man.

"Yes madam"

"Where to madam?" The man asked.

"My usual coffee shop" Temi replied.

She looked at herself through her phone.
Her eyes were red. She didn't really care.

She ordered the usual and just sat at a table.
She didn't even wanna think about anything right now.
She wasn't gonna be a baby and run to her mom.

She took a sip of her coffee and she just stared at her phone.

"What a coincidence" the voice said and Temi was a bit startled.

"I did not mean to startle you" he said and she smiled.

"Oh, it's fine. Sit," she sighed. "I needed someone to talk to anyways"

"You're not with your friends today. Y'all fought?" Jamal asked

"No,.. it's actually complicated" she sighed.

"You don't wanna talk about it right?" He asked as he chewed a wafer.

"I actually do" Temi said


"Then you came here" he said after Temi just explained to him.

"Yes. To chill" she replied.

A young waiter came to tell them that they will be closing soon.

They got up,and Jamal offered to walk with her.

"I can relate with all these things you're saying. My stepmom ehn, she's a witch" Jamal said

"The thing is still shocking me because if I count how many wrappers that woman has, it'll be nothing less than fifty" Temi said

"And it's not outing wrapper? Like the ones they wear on a blouse. Like to parties" Jamal asked

"No. This is her casual stuff na"

"My stepmom has done worse. But she can't really beat me or yell at me because:one,I'm taller than her. Two,I'm a guy. So she's not always up in my business" Jamal said as Temi stared at him and then Chuckled.

"So, let's stop discussing about all this," he sighed. "Anything new?"

"Not really"

"Yah right... You haven't still given the link" Jamal said and Temi furrowed her brows

"The one for you and Favour's online store" he added

"Oh yeah. Lemme send it to you" Temi said as she brought out her phone.

She then sent the link to Jamal.
He opened it on his phone and scrolled through it with interest.

"Don't let them snatch your phone. You can check it out at home" Temi said and Jamal just chuckled.

They walked and walked,but it didn't seem strenuous to any of them because they were talking.

"It's this house" Temi said as they approached her house.

"Yoo. It's past eleven" Jamal said looking at his wristwatch

Temi chuckled.

"How are you gonna get home?" She asked

"I'll call my driver" he said

"I'll wait then"

"No,. I'm fine out here,Temi.. just go inside" he said

She smiled and leaned against her gate.

"Call him" she said and he just shook his head with a smile

A few minutes later, Jamal's driver arrives

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