Part 18

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The sun had just risen when Y/n woke up. In her arms was Nat, sleeping soundly, the first time in five years that she had slept so well. Y/n still wanted to let Nat sleep, so she decided to get up quietly and go to the kitchen.

As she made her way to the kitchen she saw Tommy and Billy playing in a room with the door open. Y/n took a look inside the room. There were two beds there and the whole room was full of toys.
"Hey" said y/n to the two of them.
"Hey" said one of the boys back. Y/n didn't know which one was Billy and which one was Tommy because they hadn't met yet.

"What are you guys playing?" asked y/n, sitting down on one of the beds.
"We're playing dinosaurs" said the other boy this time.
"Are you guys hungry? I was just going to the kitchen to make myself something to eat, if you want you can come with me" said y/n.
"Yeah" the two kids were happy and followed her into the kitchen.

The two boys brought y/n all the ingredients and then they all mixed the batter for pancakes together.
"You know, your mom loves to cook. She always loved to do it when she was a little kid. Once there she wanted to show me how to flip pancakes in the pan..." y/n started telling the story.
"...And then the pancake stuck to the ceiling" the one boy finished the story.
"My mom told us many story about you. She missed you a lot. We always thought you were cool and were sad we never got to meet you."

"Well I'm here now" y/n said a little emotionally. The boys came and hugged her.
Next they tried flipping the pancakes in the pan. They laughed a lot because it never really worked. Suddenly, y/n noticed Wanda standing in the doorway.
"Oh, hey Wanda, didn't see you there" y/n said just after she dropped the pancake on the floor.
"Mommy, try one" the one boy ran over to Wanda and gave her a piece of the pancake.
"Mmmhh that turned out good" Wanda said. Then she came into the kitchen and gave the boys a kiss on the head.

"I can help you if you want" said Wanda when she saw all the broken pancakes.
"A little professional help never hurts"
They talked for a long time and it was very funny. Then y/n sat down on a chair next to the stove and watched Wanda as she made the rest of the pancakes.
Tommy walked over to y/n and sat on her lap. "You're just as great as in Mommy's stories" he said to y/n.

Wanda grinned.
That was just what she always wanted.

"Hi Nat" I suddenly heard Billy say "we made pancakes".
"Oh great, I'll be curious then" said Nat.
Tommy got up again to get some plates.
"Good morning sleepyhead" y/n said, getting up and putting her arms around Nat so she could give her a kiss.
"Oh god I missed this" Nat said and gave her another one.
"Get a room" said Wanda as she put the last pancake on a plate.

Everyone sat down at the table and ate their pancakes. When everyone was done eating the boys went back to playing.
"We have a conference tonight to tell the people what happened" said Wanda as she was about to leave the room.

"You look good with kids" Nat said softly as she hugged y/n from behind.
"Maybe we'll have our own someday" she said as she turned y/n to face her.
"I didn't thought you were a family guy" y/n replied.
"I love kids" Nat said and gave y/n a kiss.
"Do you want to make a child now?" asked y/n, grinning seductively.
"Do you want a child out of wedlock?" asked Nat jokingly.
"What if we'll just get married first?"
"I'm in" Nat said.

"I'm serious"
Nat looked a little taken aback because she wasn't expecting it now.
"Marry me Nat!"
"Are you really serious now?"
"I love you more than anything, I want to spend my life with you." said y/n as she looked around. She stood up and grabbed a piece of paper and quickly folded it into a ring.
"What are you doing?" asked Nat laughing.
When the ring was ready y/n walked over to Nat and knelt in front of her.

"Natalia Alianovna Romanov, will you marry me?"
"Yes, yes, hell yes, more than anything" she replied and y/n put the paper ring on her. Then y/n stood up and lifted Nat and kissed her.
"Then we can start the baby making now" Nat said laughing and took y/n's hand and took her to her room.

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