Part 3

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It is the middle of the night when Y/n wakes up full of fright. She decides to get up and look for the kitchen. After a while she finally found it and makes herself a glass of water. Just as she was about to take a sip, she heard footsteps getting louder and louder. Suddenly she saw Natasha, who also came into the kitchen. "Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were here" she said "It's okay, I'm the guest, I'll go".
"You don't have to go"
"I just meant you don't have to leave because of me, you can drink your water here if you want" Nat said and took a drink as well.

It was quiet for quite a while while they both drank their drink. "Can't sleep?" broke Natasha the silence after a while. "No, not really, but why am I just telling you?" said y/n without looking at Natasha, she put the empty glass in the sink and was about to leave. "I know you hate me and probably find it hard to look at me, I can understand. I find it hard to look at myself sometimes too. I'm not happy with what I've done in the past, I can't change it though unfortunately, I've finally come to terms with the fact that you shouldn't criticize people for their worst mistakes. I did it for a long time until Clint pulled me out of that hole"
"Okay" that was all Y/n said before she left the room and went back to her room. She didn't know herself if it was maybe a little harsh how she reacted but she hated Natasha, she killed her sister, she must just hate her.

The next morning Y/n was awake very early. She wasn't sure if the plan was going to go so well. She knew very well that this is her last chance to get away from her father. If she didn't make it, then she would never have a chance like this again. As Y/N lay in her bed for a while, she heard a knock on her room door. After Y/N let the person in, she saw Wanda. "I wanted to see how you were doing" Wanda said and sat down on the bed with Y/N. "Pretty good. Can I ask you something?" "Yeah sure!"
"Why do you all like Natasha so much?"
"She's a good person, really. I have yet to see the one person who is so dedicated to the welfare of others. I know you may not believe it, but the one mistake she made with your sister was also the only one in her life. She had to go through a lot because of your father, he killed her mother and trained her to be a perfect assassin. Her luck was just that she escaped and found a new family."
Y/N just looked at Wanda and didn't respond.

A short time later, the Avengers and Y/n were all called together to go over the final things for the plan. Then everyone got ready for the mission.
The Red Room was found on a mountain about two hours drive from here. Natasha was still very unsettled because she knew Dreykov best from the Avengers and she could expect anything.

Natasha wore a nano mask that made her look like Y/N. She went to Dreykov's office, where she was received very nicely by him. "I was getting worried, I was about to send an army of Widows to you. What took you so long?"
"The Avengers were holding me prisoner, but I made it out".
"So you couldn't complete your mission? You didn't kill Nat?"
"Ask her yourself!" she said, taking off her mask so Dreykov could see who was really standing in front of him. This sentence was also the command for the others, who now stormed the building looking for the other Widows and then freeing them.

"What have you done with my daughter? Where is
y/n?!" He started pounding on Nat, but she stayed strong.
"Don't worry about her, she is better off with us than with you".
"You already took one daughter from me, I won't let you take my other one too" he said angrily and hit her harder again, causing her to land on the floor. "Keep her out of this" Dreykov turned around, and saw that Y/n had come into the room.
"I was getting worried!" he said.
"Don't worry, I'm fine, very fine in fact".
"I'm glad to hear that, then you can pick up right where you left off".
Nat was still lying on the floor. Y/n knew exactly what he wanted from her. She took out her gun and held it on Nat who was still lying on the floor.

Nat looked very scared. She wasn't sure if she was just being fooled or if this was all part of the plan. "Come on, what are you waiting for!"
Suddenly, Y/n turned to her father and held out the gun that had just been pointed at Nat.
„What the hell are you doing?" her father asked her.

Nat slowly stood up and stood next to Y/n. "I found my sister, remember Wanda" Dreykov held his breath for a moment. "I found my family, a family who stood by me from the first second, who wanted to help me from the first moment, help me have a better life. Not like you, who just wants to make me a fighting machine" Dreykov exhaled again.
"I knew that someday the day will come, but listen to me sweetheart, you had a better life without your other family, you would never be as strong and brave as you are today if you had been with your other family!"

With Y/N still holding the gun out to him she went to the computer and opened it with her DNA. She now had access to the complete database from the Red Room. She opened all the doors so the Avengers could free the other Widows. Then she deleted all the Widows from the database. She went to her father "Your game is over now. Tell me, where are the memories of Wanda, I know you still have them!"
"Why should I give them to you? So you can make a happy family with her? Have you told her why her parents are dead? Who's to blame for that?" Nat looked at Y/N in confusion. Y/N looked back at her with a sad look.
Then she held the gun right in her father's face. "Stop it Y/N, you will regret it, believe me!" she suddenly heard Nat say. „You want it too, so be quiet already and let me finish it!"
"Go ahead, shoot, kill your own father!" said Dreykov. After a moment he said "I knew it, you are weak! You are so weak, it's shameful. My daughters are not weak!"
Y/N had a few tears running down her cheek. Then Dreykov carefully took the gun from her. Without saying anything, he pointed it at Nat and pulled the trigger.
Y/n wasn't really thinking at that moment, can't really explain why she did it either, but she threw herself in front of Nat so the bullet landed right in her stomach. Dreykov did nothing, he just ran out of the room.
Y/n was lying on the floor. She noticed the pain in my stomach. She felt dizzy. Suddenly she felt two hands touching her shoulders. Her hearing was very bad. There was a beeping in her ears and everything was quieter. Y/n heard Nat say something, but didn't quite understand. She only had one thought.
"I have to stop him" she heard myself say.
Nat tried to stop her but she disappeared. She still had adrenaline in her, which allowed her to walk without being in much pain. She followed her father outside. He boarded a plane with a few other men. Y/n was getting dizzy, but she couldn't let him go. She climbed on top of the plane. She knew how to stop him. She took a bomb in her hand and stuck it on top of the plane. "Don't y/n" Natasha yelled. Y/n saw Nat coming towards her. And then she heard a loud bang and then all y/n saw was black.

Nat ran after her. She grabbed a parachute and jumped after her into the depths she was falling into. She grabbed Y/n and strapped the parachute around her. They landed relatively safely on the ground. Nat landed a few feet away.

She ran to Y/n and saw that she was unconscious on the ground. "Y/n! Y/n wake up please!". Nat saw the large wound on y/n's stomach with a lot of blood coming from it.

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