✭✎- ғᴏᴜʀᴛᴇᴇɴ ݈݇⎼ ᴀsᴋ ʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜᴛ !

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Y/n lazily sat at her table drawing designs on a tablet. She sighed and looked at her phone that buzzed from messages.

r u free rn?? from Karino.

After thinking on the question for a while, Y/n replied, saying she was free. Who wouldn't drop their work for a 'friend'?

kotaro's almost outta school
wanna walk early with me?

Even if it was still behind a screen, Karino was still timid on trying to find the time to ask Y/n out.

yea sure

Dry as Y/n's reply may seem, she was gushing right now. And so was Karino.

Y/n threw on her f/c adidas's fit and matching slippers. Right before walking out the door, she tossed on her bonnet, protecting her 4type hair under it and left.

On her way out, she ran into Karino. They started their walk towards... the school? It was still about 20 minutes before it was over. So where were they going?

"It just dawn on me, school ends in 19 minutes. Why we goin so early?" Y/n asked, tucking her phone back in her pocket.

Karino stayed calm — on the outside. "I simply just wanted to talk." Kotaro's vocabulary rubbed of on him. "What do you plan on doing later in life? I mean you look like a teenager or something."

Y/n stared at Karino for a while before busting out laughing. "I-I look that young!?" she held her stomach. "I'm 28!" she left Karino dumbfounded.

"Oh. You don't look like it," he was right. Y/n was always mistaken as a teenager where ever she went. Buying alcoholic drinks, they always suspiciously asked for her ID.

As we say, Black don't crack.

"Thank you." she smiled warmly. "I'm pretty sure Taro told you, about my plans as a designer, me taking him in after it kicks off and all. Those are my plans." Y/n told truthfully.

"Not to sound rude or anything.. but why? Adopting a child you've only known for about 4 months." Karino asked cautiously, not wanting to anger Y/n again.

"I just wanna give him the childhood he deserves. He's been through so much." Y/n smiled, tucking her hands in her pocket.

"Your amazing." is what Karino wanted to say. But he didn't have the balls.

"I'm amazing. I know." Y/n looked back and winked, walking into a corner store, leaving Karino in utter shock yet again.

She picked out some snacks and two drinks, paid the clerk and then walked back out quickly. "Hm." she handed Karino the drink and started walking again.

"Thanks." as he took the drink, their hands touched for a spilt second. It was still enough to get both their hearts beating like high school love.

School was ending in 10 minutes. Y/n and Karino sat in a park that was close to Kotaro's school. Burning time, and getting to know each other more.

'Do it. Do it. Do it. C'mon just say it!' He fussed with himself in his head while twiddling him thumbs. "Y/n,"

"Wait wait." her phone rang in her pocket. "Hello?..... Really!?..... Ok.... tomorrow.... thank you so much... bye." she had just gotten the second greatest news of her life. "No way! Oh my gaaa!"she jumped up with bliss and smiled brightly.

Karino sighed and asked "What happened?"

"Some big shot just called... and their interested in my brand!" she finally sat back down and covered her eyes before she started crying.

"Holy hell L/n thats amazing!" Karino was just excited for Y/n.

Y/n remembered Karino was about to say something before her phone rang. "Were you about to say something, earlier?"

"Oh... uh.. if your free Saturday.. would you uh, wanna join me to the new cafe?" he shoot his shot, all or nothing.

"Yeah! I've walked past it, but I didn't wanna go in there alone." she agreed. Then both of then went quiet. "So.. uh, it's a date..?" Y/n timidly asked.


They were like a pair of high school students falling in love with one another. And now it was time to get Kotaro from school.


"Why are you both so quiet? Did something happen?" Kotaro questioned his two friends who were more quiet than usual. He looked up at Karino who gestured his eyes to Y/n.

Kotaro hummed quietly, the two boy gave each other thumbs up.

Y/n cleared her throat before speaking. "How was your day?"

"I caught 2 out of 9 dodgeball's today." Kotaro stated proudly. Clearly wanting praise.

"Really!?" Y/n smiled. "That's amazing!" she gently patted Kotaro's head. "One day I know you'll catch them all."

"You seem bubblier than usual. Anything good happened today?" Kotaro's heart warmed at the feeling of Y/n's hand.

"Yes! Long story short, right before we came and got you, a big shot called me, telling me he was interested in my brand!" over excited with joy, Y/n explained to Kotaro what happened.

Then he remembered what she said. "Look how bout this, once my designing brand gets bigger, we'll leave this place together."

Y/n has been having some really good luck lately. And hopefully soon, she could have her own little family.


- a date;)

- everyone will get their happy ending bc im so nice

- ha-ha •̀ヮ•́

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