✭✎- ᴛᴡᴏ ݈݇⎼ ᴋᴏᴛᴀʀᴏ sᴀᴛᴏ !

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"I am here on my own, my parents are doing secret ninja training." the kid said. "How may I help you, fair lady?"

'So polite..' Y/n's heart thumped while staring at the cute little kid. "Well, good sir, please take this gift." she bent and handed the kid the Mickey Mouse key chain after she removed her keys off it. "Sorry if its boring.. I didn't expect to see a kid here..."

"Many thanks. I am Kotaro Sato, may I interest you in a cup of tea?" Kotaro gratefully took the key chain with stars in his eyes. "May I ask who is this character?"

"His name is Mickey Mouse. And I am kinda thirsty.." Y/n sighed. She smiled as Kotaro invited her in. She removed her shoes and walked inside. "Want some help?" she asked when Kotaro stepped on a stool and boiled the water.

"Please, take it easy. Since your new, I figure you have much to unpack. And I never caught your name." Kotaro grabbed two cups and poured the hot water in carefully.

"L/n Y/n. So do you really live here all on your own?"

"Aye. 'Tis true," he sat the tea bag in the cup and cautiously walked over and sat the cups on the table. "I do hope this is to your liking, lady L/n."

"But.. don't you ever get lonely?" suddenly Y/n got all sad while sitting crisscross.

Kotaro went silent as he sat himself in front of Y/n. "Aye." he mumbled. "But I've meet friends who cares for me here! Sir Karino, Sir Isamu, and Lady Mitsuki!"

Y/n blew on her tea before taking a sip. "That's good." she smiled. In an instant, Y/n gulped her tea down. "Thank you for the tea! I'm sorry for making the mood gloomy!"

"Do not worry about it. I am glad you enjoyed the tea." Kotaro watched Y/n look around. She noticed everything had stars on it.

She hummed. "Feel free to call me if your ever lonely. Loneliness isn't the nicest thing in the world." she said mumbled the last part but Kotaro heard her loud and clear.

Kotaro stood up behind Y/n after he put the cups in the sink. "I will do so. Will you need any assistance unpacking?"

"I'd hate to trouble you. I think I can manage."

"No worried, Lady L/n. A gentleman always lend a helping hand!"

In Y/n's apartment — Kotaro and Y/n immediately got to work. She took the heaviest boxes while Kotaro unpacked them. He took out a lot of sewing supplies and fabric.

"Excuse me for asking, but are you a clothing designer by chance?"

"Yes indeed I am. It's been a hobby of mines since I was a little girl." Y/n smiled, remembering the sweet memories with her mother teaching her how to hand sew.

"..." once again, Kotaro went silent.

Y/n raised her eye brow, "Want me to make you something?"

"Aye, if it is not too much trouble."

"Of course. Once we finish, I'll measure you." Y/n giggled. "K?"

Light shined in Kotaro's empty eyes as he started at Y/n. "Aye!"

Now that all the stuff got unpacked — Kotaro stood in front of Y/n as she wrote down his measurements. "Are you lonely?" Kotaro asked.

"Huh..? What makes you ask that?" Y/n was startled by the question but continued on.

"Earlier, you said loneliness isn't the nicest thing." he reasoned.

"I—" Y/n was cut off by a knock on her door. She paused the measurement  and went to open it. "The guy from earlier? Kario?"

"Its Karino. And Kotaro I've been looking for you. Why are you here?"

Kotaro waddled to the door and looked up. "Sir Karino! I helped Lady L/n here unpack, then she took my measurements." he explained. "No need to worry yourself."

"Well c'mon, to the bathhouse." Karino took Kotaro out Y/n's apartment.

She stood up and waved to Kotaro who waved back. "It'll be done by tomorrow..!" she whispered to him then went back inside.

Karino looked at Kotaro. "Don't wander off with a stranger." he said. "Who know's what could've happen."

"You have the wrong idea about Lady L/n, she's a kind person. She's going out her way to make me clothing." he was excited to see what Y/n had in store for him tomorrow.


- Karino is a bit suspicious Y/n

- but still thinks she's a beauty

- Kotaro doesn't want Y/n to be lonely so'll he'll keep her company

- he could tell from first glance that Y/n was not a bad person

- there are so many stars here bf Kotaro likes them ⭐️

🥹i hope i doin good so far. feed back?

❝𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑷𝑻 𝑴𝑬 !❞ -Kotaro & y/n ffWhere stories live. Discover now