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"I'm sorry."

Oikawa gives me a distrustful look. "What for...?" His voice is a bit softer than normal, and a frown appears on his face. I never apologize. He's probably worried. I don't blame him.

"You hate this spot, right?" I answer, slightly hinting at the reason why I took him here.

We're behind one of the gyms. It's not a secret, but it is rather secluded from the rest of the world. The privacy is often used by people who want to confess, so everybody knows to stay away from here.

That's also why Oikawa loathes this place. He gets asked to come here at least twice a week, by girls from every year and class. There have been some students from other schools who took him here, even.

He's tired of being confessed to. It's always about his looks rather than his personality. Most of the girls that claimed to be in love with him hadn't even talked to him before. It's pretty sad to see, honestly.

What's even worse is how he can't reject them. He says it's because he doesn't want to ruin his social image, but the truth is a bit different. He's too nice to say no. He doesn't want to break their hearts, even when he's aware that they don't actually like him. He'd rather trouble himself than take the risk of hurting them.

"I do," he says, responding to the question I asked him before. "If you know that, why did you take me here?"

Because I'm about to do the thing you despise so much. I'm about to tell you something you never thought you'd hear. I'm about to give you even more bitter memories of this place.

Ever since we got into high school, I've harboured feelings towards the brunet. I tried to stop it as soon as it started, but I couldn't help myself. He's so cheerful, so lighthearted, so adorably childish. The way he makes everything around him glow is enchanting. I think I was meant to fall for him no matter what. Within a week, I gave up and accepted my new reality.

"I'm in love with you." Even though I've been hiding it for years, I find it very easy to expose myself. I'm not worried, I'm not nervous, I'm not scared. Sure, my heart is racing, but it always does that when I'm around him.

He stares at me for a few seconds, not saying a word, not moving at all. That moment of peace doesn't last long, though. His eyes widen, his muscles tense up, his face goes a little red. The realization is hitting him, and he does exactly what I expected him to do.

"Did Mattsun and Makki somehow convince you to do this...?" He eyes me suspiciously. "How much did they pay you?"

"I didn't get paid, you idiot," I sigh. "I overheard your conversation with them yesterday."

He furrows his brow. "What are you-- The one about the TV show?"

"Yeah." Apparently, there's some popular series they have been watching. I'm not into dramas, so I have no idea what it is about, but apparently the best friend confessed to the main character. The main character then got mad at the best friend, saying things like 'you betrayed me' and 'how dare you'.

The three of them agreed that that reaction was irrational, and started discussing what they would do in a situation like that. Oikawa mentioned that he would appreciate it if his best friend shared it with him.

"You're kidding," the other continues in disbelief. "You... You heard me say I would want to know if you liked me?"

"I did."

"And you decided to tell me, just like that?"

"It doesn't really matter whether you know or not, so..." As long as I don't show him any weaknesses, it should be fine.

Another Confession // IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now