Everyone finds out

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The next morning, Hermione and Draco Malfoy woke up knowing that their faces would be on the front page of 'The Daily Prophet'. Last night, both she and Draco wrote some of their own stories and answered questions they knew she would ask. They told her all about how they got together despite their rivaling families. They told her they got married secretly in front of close family and friends two years ago and how they do live together. They also told her about the most recent news in their relationship. That Hermione Jean Malfoy is 12 weeks pregnant, and that family and friends are extremely happy about it. Then, they put the letter in an envelope and sent it to her through owl. They also told Blaise and Theo last night so they wouldn't have to find out about the pregnancy through the paper. Teddy had already told all of the Weasley's when he was telling Ginny. So, they knew as well. Now, it was just the rest of the world to find out. 

Hermione blinked her eyes open slowly, before actually opening her eyes fully. She rolled over in bed and saw Draco propped up on his left elbow, looking down at her. "Good morning, love. How'd you sleep?" he asked, stroking her hair out of her face

"Morning, I slept well, you?" she asked, cuddling up in the blanket and into his chest.

"I slept fantastically. Next to you, I always do." Draco said, leaning down and kissing her on the lips sweetly but passionately.

"Wakey, wakey love birds!" Blaise sang as he and Theo walked into the room and squeezed into the bed. Blaise next to Hermione and Theo next to Draco. "Take a look at 'The Dailey Prophet'" Blaise handed the prophet to Hermione, and she started reading aloud

"Love Unity, by Rita Skeeter. It hasn't been very long since the names, 'Draco Lucius Malfoy' and 'Hermione Jean Granger' have been written about in here. But when was the last time they were in here mentioned together without a rival story? According to our records, never. But there is a first time for everything. We all know about the Slytherin prince former death-eater gone good Draco Malfoy, and the Gryffindor princess, war heroine, Hermione Granger. But we never got any real confirmation on any serious relationships from the two. That was, until last night. I recently found out, that they are both very happily married. Yes, the fact that they're both married to people is very surprising. But that's not even the most surprising thing. The most surprising thing is that they are married to each other! Yes, you read correctly, Hermione Granger is now Hermione Malfoy. They have been married for the past two years. They got married secretly with their close family and friends. Including, Harry Potter, and Ronald Weasley. The close best friends-who refer to themselves as Hermione's older brothers- were there, along with Draco's best friends, Blaise Zabini, and Theodore (Theo) Nott. Hermione said that during their last year at Hogwarts, when the couple were head boy and girl, they started developing feelings for each other. She said they slowly went from teasing each other as acquaintances, to teasing each other as friends, to teasing each other flirtatiously. But because of their rivaling friends and family, it was difficult to realize the feeling of love. But once their friends got over the fact that they weren't breaking up, they fell completely in love. Draco said the same. He also said after they graduated, they moved in together and had a lot of fun. He said that the night he proposed, he was very nervous, but the day he married her, was the most nervous he has ever been. He said, 'It was too good to be true. I was marrying the love of my life. The woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, through rich or poor, or in sickness or in health. I wanted to get through every obstacle life threw at me with her by my side. Helping me through it and letting me lean on her when I needed it. My entire life, when one good thing happened, something horrible came following. So, naturally, I thought it was too good to be true. But when I saw her walk down the aisle, and felt her hands in mine, I knew that it was the happiest moment of my life.' The couple also has another secret. Not only are they married, but they are pregnant. Hermione Jean Malfoy is 12 weeks pregnant with hers and Draco Lucius Malfoy's baby. 'It's the happiest I've ever been.' Hermione stated, 'I grew up with five close cousins. But they never treated me as one of their friends, but an enemy. They always said I would never be anything. I wouldn't make anything out of my life and that I would most certainly not get married or even more so have kids. But I proved them fully wrong. I am very happily married to the love of my life and who loves me just as much. I have an amazing job that I love and that is high-profile. And now, I'm starting my family with the most wonderful partner. My son or daughter will grow up with parents who adore them, aunts and uncles who love them to death and cousins who play with them, include them in everything and love them. I couldn't be happier.' I think it's safe to say that this couple is defiantly winning couple of the year. We wish all this couple the best!" 

"Wow, Skeeter really didn't waste any time to write that story." Draco said, 

"No, she didn't. But we knew that she wouldn't. It was a given." Hermione reminded him. 

"Now the whole wide world will know you're married and pregnant. Wizarding and muggle alike. Since Draco is famous in both." Theo said

"That is most certainly true, Theo." Hermione said, getting up and going into the walk-in closet that had a bathroom attached to it. Leaving the three grown men in the bed with each other. Once she walked out, she was wearing a grey tight dress that went down to her knees. It showed off her 12-week baby belly very well. She was also wearing a tan long-sleeved sweater that went to the same length as her dress-her knees- she had grey shoes on-matching the color of her dress- and her hair was straight down her back. "Know, we must get ready to prove to the rest of the world that we are indeed pregnant and married." she said to Draco


As Draco and Hermione emerged from the elevator with Blaise and Theo behind them, Hermione looped her arm through Draco's making sure people could see her engagement and wedding rings, along with her baby bump. They walked through the doors to the lobby where they were bombarded with questions from numerous reporters. "It is true, I am very happily married to the love of my life, Hermione Jean Malfoy. And have been for the past two years. It is also true that we are expecting a child. My beautiful and amazing wife is currently 12 weeks pregnant with our son or daughter and we couldn't be happier." Draco told all the reporters before walking through the crowd with Hermione.

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