Meeting each other once again

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Hermione bid farewell to her husband in the early morning of April 18th, knowing very well that in two days, she would have to face her aunts, uncles and especially her cousins after 10 years of not seeing them. When she was 12, in second year, her family moved to a different town which meant she didn't have to see her cousins all too much. Then, during the school year, when her cousins would come over randomly, she would be at Hogwarts. And during the summers, she would be running around, studying for the new year to come, or as she got older, she spent most her summers at the Burrow. And then there was the war, and she was on the run. But then she went back to school, and that was when she and Draco got to be friends and started dating, since they were head boy and head girl. And then after that, she started her job as a detective Auror and was focusing on that, and soon later, wedding preparations and she also never really had the motivation to see her cousins again. 

When the 19th rolled around, she spent the day cleaning, and packing for the next day. Harry came by with James and Teddy and she played with James and talked with Harry while Teddy played his usual treasure hunt game around her house, since it was fairly big. It was nice being able to live so close to her best friend. "So, you excited to meet your cousins after all these years?" Harry asked Hermione as he sat on her couch while she sat on the floor, playing with James.

"Yes and no. Draco has been quite excited about it. Claims he can't wait he can't wait to prove my family wrong. Guess I could say the same." Hermione says, playing blocks with James

"Ginny and I were thinking to pop down with James and Teddy. Maybe we could help you show off to your family. Two adorable little boys who love you to death and want to hug and kiss you all the time. A beautiful young lady, and a very, very handsome young man." Harry suggested and Hermione laughed at the end bit. "Hey, I'm just saying, it could be helpful, you know?" 

"Thanks Harry, that'd be great. Blaise and Theo will be there as well. When they heard the Granger family was coming down and staying at the Hotel they help run, they said they felt like they just had to meet them." Hermione said with a chuckle

"Auntie 'Mione?" Teddy asked as he ran into the room with an unknown object in his hand.

"What's up Teddy-o?" Hermione asked as she turns her upper body to face him

"What are these? I found them in the bathroom in my room." He held up two thin white sticks, one in each hand, Harry looked up and saw them, his face dropped. Hermione quickly got up and took the sticks from Teddy's hand. 

"Nothing don't worry about it Teddy. Go play." Hermione said, gesturing for Teddy to leave the room. Teddy complied and left the room at a run. Hermione turned around slowly, and saw Harry, still sitting on the couch with his face fallen, "Harry...."

 "'Mione, are... are you pregnant?" he asked, slowly standing up from his seat on the couch.

"Mabe.... Okay, yeah, I am." she said, a smile appearing on her face as tears start forming in her eyes. 

"Hermione that's amazing!" Harry yelled as he ran and picked Hermione up, spinning her in his embrace. She laughed and wrapped her arms around him. Once he put her down, he wiped away the tears that were on her face. "How far along are you?"

"12 weeks. I just found out two weeks ago though." she said

"Wow. 'Mione, I can't believe it. You're pregnant! Wow! Does Malfoy know yet?" Harry asked

"No, not yet. Besides me, you're the first to know. I was actually hoping I could get Teddy to help me tell him. I thought of a pretty good way." she said

"Yeah, of course. I'm pretty sure he'd be happy to help you. Especially if he knew a new baby was on its way... Wow, the more I look the more I see your baby bump. I'm going to be an uncle 'Mione!"

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