The invitation

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Hermione Granger lived a perfect life in her eyes. She had a great job as a head detective Auror, she was best friends with Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley, and was the godmother of both Harry and Ginny's son James Sirius Potter. She had her husbands' friends who very quickly and easily became her friends as well, Blaise Zambini, and Theodore (Theo) Nott. But most of all, she was married to the man of her dreams. A very unexpected marriage, it was. Seeing as they were enemies for most of their lives. But he cared for her, and he loved her. 

She was standing at the kitchen Island in the home she shared with her husband, going through the mail when she found an invitation with her family name on it addressed towards her. 

Dear Hermione Granger, 

My darling Hermione, this is your aunt Carrie. My husband, your uncle, Chris and I are hosting a family reunion we are very pleased and delighted to invite you as well and dearly hope you can join us. It has been way too long since any of us have seen you. It is at 'The Never Land Hotel' on April 20th this month at noon. Here is a list of the people attending-

Aunt Julianna and Uncle William and their daughter Abby

Aunt Rose and Uncle John and their daughter Caitlin

Aunt Sarah and Uncle Ben and their son Jack

Aunt Rebecca and Uncle Charles and their son Matthew 

Aunt Carrie and Uncle Christopher and their daughter Tiffiany

Aunt Emily and Uncle Robert and their daughter Hermione

Grandma Charlotte and Grandpa Nathan

These sons and daughter may now be grown up into adult men and women. If they have any significant others and or children of their own, we gracefully invite them as well. Please make every effort to attend. 

-Carrie Granger Banks and Christopher Banks

"Babe!" Shouted Hermione as she jumped onto the countertop and sat on it, the invitation in one hand and her mug of coffee in the other. 

"What's up?" Draco Malfoy asked as he walked into the kitchen, buttoning up his white dress shirt and walking over to his wife sitting on the counter.

"Did you by any chance get a huge order on rooms any time this week?" Hermione asked, as Draco stood in between her legs, finishing buttoning his shirt. 

"Yeah, two days ago, we got a call to reserve thirteen rooms that can fit two or more people for April 20th. Why?" He asked, putting his green Slytherin colored tie around his neck and putting his hands down on top of her thighs while she started tying his tie into a perfect knot like she did every morning before he went to work. 

"Well, I just got an invitation to a family reunion and my aunt Carrie just so happened to pick The Never Land Hotel as our reunion place. All my cousins, aunts, uncles, and my grandparents will be there. Along with my parents." Hermione said, finishing tying his tie and wrapping her arms around his neck

"Oh. Okay, well, I have a meeting in France on the 18 and 19th and I will be flying home on the 20th, but I should get back in time for dinner." Draco said, moving his hands to slither around her waist

"Wait," She demanded, pulling away slightly, "You actually want to go?" 

"You don't?" he asked, confused. 

"Not really. My cousins who bullied me my entire childhood will be there. Along with their significant others. That's just double. And then my aunts and uncles always thought I was the black sheep of the group because I was able to do random really weird things if I got too mad or annoyed or happy and then they found out I was a witch and that didn't make it any better. The only people I would be excited to go see would be my parents and grandparents." She explained

"Well then we'll go to show off. You haven't seen them in what? 10 years? You are not the same person you were when you were younger, you are the Gryffindor princess, one-third of the golden trio, war heroine, the most famous muggle born, you were awarded an Order of Merlin, First Class for your major and I mean major help in defeating the worst dark lord of all times. And you also just so happen to be my hot, sexy, gorgeous, loving, caring wife, Hermione Malfoy." Draco said, making sure to emphasize on the words, 'and' and 'Malfoy. He seemed way too excited about this in Hermione's opinion, but then again, Draco Lucius Malfoy never lets a chance to prove someone wrong get away. That was just his personality. And Hermione loved it.

"Fine. We'll go. But only because you talked me into proving my cousins wrong." Hermione reluctantly agreed. 

"Amazing. Know, I must get to work, or I'm going to be late. And being the owner and being late is never a good thing." Draco said, giving Hermione a long, sweet kiss, and putting on his blazer.

"Yeah, and I promised to meet up with Harry and Ron to go over some cases." she said, jumping off of the high counter-or as she likes to say it's high because she's only 5'5, but Draco thinks it's kind of low because he's 6'2. She put the invitation on the fridge and then put on her heels. She and Draco both walked over to the fireplace and Draco handed Hermione a fistful of Floo powder. 

"Until we meet again, my love." He said, bending down and giving her one last kiss. This was their routine when they both had work. The first couple of times, Hermion thought it was very cheesy, but the more he did it, the more she got used to and grew to love it. Now, it feels weird when he's on a business trip and not there to do it. Since they've been married for the past two years.

"Until then." she smiled, taking the fistful of floo powder and stepping into the fireplace. "Harry's office!" she yelled, dropping the floo on the floor and the fireplace whooshing her away. Even though she and Draco have been married for the past two years, they keep their relationship under wraps, so they don't get bombarded by the press. All the Weasley siblings know, along with Molly and Arthur. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy know and have grown to accept and love their daughter-in-law. Although it may not seem like Lucius and Hermione get along because they are constantly having debates and arguments, Lucius secretly loves Hermione because no one besides her has ever dared to pick a fight with him and because she never backs down, no matter how heated the argument gets. And Hermione secretly loves Lucius because when she gets mad and starts arguments, no one ever really continued on with the topic of conversation that got the argument started, but Lucius pushes further into it, and she loves it. 

Hermione's parents also know, and most of the staff at both the Ministry and Hotels that Draco owns and runs know. And of course, all their friends. Draco owns and runs three very successful hotels, 'The Midnight Hotel', 'The Serpent Hotel', and lastly, 'The Never Land Hotel'. 'The Never Land Hotel' was only named that because of Hermione. Draco needed a name for his newest hotel a little less than a year ago but couldn't think of anything good. Hermione stepped in to help her husband and showed him the movie 'Peter Pan' and then suggested the name 'The Never Land Hotel' and it is now dedicated to her, Mrs. Malfoy.

*Hey guys, I am currently publishing this in my second period Spanish class because y friend wants me to*

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