Chapter 9 A suprise guest

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Nicole looked up and saw Richard with a shot gun. "Let my son go" said Richard as he cocks the gun back. "You shouldn't of come back" said Nicole as her eyes turn red. "Well I did so what are you gonna do?" Asked Richard. "You will see" smirked Nicole. She charges at him scratching the hell out of him. He elbows her in the face causing her to get off. She jumped up and tried to stomp on him. He rolls over and trips her. "Get her dad!" yelled gumball. Richard picks up the gun and points it at her. "You won't kill me" said Nicole as she wipes blood away from her face. Richard points the gun at her trying to pull the trigger but his emotions won't let him. "Nicole I still love you" said Richard. "I know you do, and I love you too" said Nicole. The two start hugging. "I'm sorry u tried to kill you" said Richard. "Yeah you will be.." mumbled Nicole. Nicole then scratched Richards back causing him to bleed. Richard yelled in pain from the scratch. She pushes him over and picks up her knife. "This is gonna be fun" said Nicole. Suddenly a bang was heard near by. Nicole looks at her stomach and notices a huge hole in her stomach. She fell off of Richard and landed on the grass. Gumball then dropped the gun on the ground running to his mom. "Gumball..." said Nicole weakly. "What is it mom?" Asked gumball. "By killing me I will come back more powerful then ever, I will return for you my son" said Nicole as she dies. Gumball then got up and looked at his dad. "Why did you leave me and the family" asked gumball. "I didn't, Nicole made you think I did" said Richard. "What do you mean dad?" Asked gumball. "She knocked me out and left me in a desert, i slowly made my way back here to save you, Darwin and Anais. "Well there dead dad.." said gumball. Richard sighs and looks down. "I had a feeling that was gonna happen" said Richard as he looks at gumball. "What do we do now?" Asked gumball. "We move somewhere else, away from here!" Said Richard. "Why dad?" Asked gumball. "Because your moms spirit is still here, it would be best to leave" said Richard. Gumball nods and runs upstairs. Richard soon followed packing stuff up.

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