Chapter 6 gumballs bdsm tims

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Gumballs eyes slowly open seeing a bright light in front of him. "Hello is anyone here" asked gumball. "Only me sweetie" said Nicole. She walks out with a black bikini holding a whip. "What the hell" said gumball. "Shut up gumball!" Yelled Nicole as she whips him. Gumball screams in pain. "Imma enjoy this" said Nicole as she takes out a scalp. She slices a some skin off of gumballs stomach. "Mom don't kill me" said gumball. "Don't worry my gummy puss you won't die" said Nicole. She then begone to squeeze lemons on gumballs cuts on his stomach. He then screamed louder then ever. Nicole then licked his face while she kept squeezing more. "Your tears give me joy" said Nicole as she back hands gumball. "N-now what are you gonna do?" Asked gumball. "Just one more thing sweetie. Nicole then poured syringes in a bathtub. "Oh no.." said gumball. Nicole untied gumball and picked him up. Gumball tries to get her to let go but she wouldn't budge. She dropped him in the tub covering his whole body in syringes. Gumball screamed loudly and jumped out. "Oh my god!!" Yelled gumball loudly. "Your punishment is over now gumball" smiled Nicole. She walked away putting her normal cloths back on. Gumball sat there taking each syringe out one by one

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