Chapter 7 larry has joined the battle

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Nicole was sitting on her couch watching a cooking channel. "Hey gumball you like pizza right?" Asked Nicole. "Y-yeah why" asked gumball. "Because I wanna order some silly" said Nicole. "Oh alright that sounds cool" smiled gumball. Nicole picked up the phone and called Fervidus pizza. She ordered a large sausage pizza for her and a pepperoni for gumball. 20 minutes has gone by when suddenly a k okc was heard at the door. "Okay gumball you go wash up imma get the door" smiled Nicole. Gumball nod and ran up stairs. Nicole opened the door and saw Larry holding 2 pizza boxes. "What took you so long?" Asked Nicole. "I had other houses to do ma'am. Nicole threw Larry into the house. "Don't raise your voice at me" said Nicole. "I-I didn't" said Larry. "Okay that it" said Nicole as she takes her knife out. "Oh shit!" Yelled Larry as he crawls. She grabs his foot and starts stabbing him on his back. Larry screamed in pain hitting the ground. Nicole kept stabbing him multiple times into his body. He then died on the floor eyes wide open. Nicole picked him up and threw him in the closet. She then picked up the boxes and put them on the table. Gumball runs down excited. "Hands cleaned?" Asked Nicole. "Of course mom" smiled gumball. "Well enjoy your pizza son of mine" said Nicole. Gumball went to the table and begun eating

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