Part 8

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Hey hey! So as of today I've been on wattpad a month!!! I'm so happy the my friend found it and told me about it!! Thanks for the support and nice comments, they are very kind! Well I know I said I would post after 8 votes but, today is special (plus I don't have anything to do) so I'll upload!! Enjoy!


"Ilinka? Ilinka? Are you even listening to us?" I hear Duilio and Lenx ask from far away.

"Mm hmm," I answer still day dreaming about the rice cakes I just finished off. 

"Then what's you're answer?" They ask for probably around the fifth time. 

"To what?"

"Ugh! You're unbelievable!" Lenx says agrivated.

"I'm sorry! But it's not my fault I couldn't fall asleep last night!" I say coming fully back to reality and leaving behind my thoughts of rice cakes. 

"And that has to do with...?" Lenx asks serious, I think. Over the last few times we've met up, it's been tricky talking with him. He goes from complete seriousness, to sarcasm and jokes. I'm never sure when he's sarcastic or not.

"It has to do with the fact I'm tired and day dreaming of rice cakes," I say finally, after deciding he's serious.

Both Duilio and Lenx roll their eyes. Gars still looking at a camera Duilio gave him, it's the same kind they put all over the ship, to watch what the Alian robots are doing, and what the humans are doing.

"Anyways, what was your question?" I ask.

"We asked, who else you want on your space roamer. It's about twice as big as a normal space roamer and can fir about twenty people. So who would you like to come with you?" Duilio asks me.

"Oh um, well you two, Gar of course, my room mate Gerlinde, Gars room mate Pierrick, and his girlfriend Venla, oh and Gerlindes friend Enzi. I think thats it. I'll tell you later if I can think of anyone else," I say plainly.

"Alright great," Duilio says writing everyones names down.

"Hey Ilinka, it's almost time to eat. We need to go," Gar says looking up from the camera.

"Ok," I say. We all stand up from the chairs and walk twords. I comtinue my day dreaming about rice cakes when we reach the stairs. Lenx and Duilo stay back as me and Gar start walking up the stairs.

As we reach the top, I decide it's a good time to put the rice cake wrapping in a waste box. I take it out of my pants pocket and lightly drop it into the box. "Bye, I'll miss you," I whisper, but obviously not quiet enough because Gar bursts out laughing.

"Whats so funny?" I demand.

"Yo-you're talking. To. A. Wrapper!" He says between laughs.

"Well of course, I love rice cakes." He starts to laugh again. I give him a fake glare, then continue walking to the evening meal. He follows me still chuckling.


They were all sitting around the table. My friends who I always sit with, except there was someone else sitting with them.Rei, she was sitting at our table.

I don't know what I have against her. Its just kinda weird how she's always there. Its almost as if she can transport herself. It's just weird.

"Hey you two! We were wondering where you guys were!" Pierre says with a huge smile. "Hi Ilinka, so glad you came," Dermont says smiling sweetly at me, but trying to hide a scowl when he looks at Gar. I look over at Gar and see him saying hi to everyone, except Dermont. I wonder what they have against each other.

I suffer through the meal, hearing WAY too much of Rei's laughing. Enzi laughs a lot too but I've gotten used to him laughing so much. Venla also laughs, but I'm happy to hear her laugh, its actually quite pretty, as pretty as a laugh can be.

Everyone is just talking about food stalk day that is in a few days. Its basically just this day where all this food is put out, good food, and you take as much as you can so you have food that's not much and you don't die of starvation.

"I think I'm going to bed. Good night," I tell everyone.

"I'm going to bed too," Dermont says standing up. Everyone else says goodnight then continues to talk.

I walk to the elevator that's located far to the right. I can hear Dermont right behind me. With a few steps he walks next to me.

"Hi," he says looking ahead.


"Have you seen the ships?"

"Yeah, Duilio and Lenx showed me."

"Who's Lenx?"

"You're brothers friend. Why don't you hang out with him? Do you know how lucky you are to even know him and be on the same ship?" I ask, I'm jealous of him able to know his family and be able to spend time with them. He doesn't even spend time with Duilio.

"I should hang out with him, you're right, as always," he slightly blushes before continuing, "It's just we're so different and last time we hung out, we got in a huge fight and he got really mad at me. It really scared me, he's also two years older, and really likes to play the ruling older brother."

"If you don't mind me asking, what was the fight about?" I ask while pushing the button so that the elevator comes. The door open and he let's out a breath before explaining.

"He was mad because I told you I can tell what you're thinking. Up until a month and a half or so, we were ok friends and brothers. Then suddenly he got really mad at me. He screamed a bunch of things at me. Then we never really talked," He says sadly.

"I have one more question."

"Alright, ask away."

"Why do you and Gar always glare at each other?"

"That's something I won't tell you," he says stepping out of the elevator onto his floor. "Bye, Ilinka," he says just before the elevator door closes.

"Bye," I whisper even though I know he can't hear me


Hi, I know this is pretty short but I wrote this all in a notebook and I thought it was a lot longer. I hope you enjoyed!!! P.S. In then next few parts, they will be interesting but in part 13, is when the actual action will start. You know, guns, space roamers, fighting. The good stuff. So stay with me here! And please please please vote and comment!!

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