Locker Troubles?

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I open my bottle of mascara and put some on. I hear Andy groan from boredom on my bed.

"I'm almost done. It's only 7:38. You'll live," I say from the bathroom. I grab my comb and start to tease my hair.

"It's too early to live. Can we just skip school again and snuggle in bed?" he asks, more like whines. The thought of cuddling with him fills me with warm flutters.

"No, we can't. We have skipped too much school as is. AND it's only the middle of October." I finish with my cloud of hairspray. I take a good look in my mirror. Purple skinny jeans, grey converse, and my white Bring Me The Horizon tank top. My hair has a little volume but not too much. The blue is starting to fade.

"You're right, Mom would kill me if she knew how much I've skipped," he says and gets up and stands next to me. "Ooo I look good," he says with a cheesy smile. He starts showing off with his black skinny jeans, blue shirt, and grey jacket. His hair is straightened to his face and his blue lip ring is in. I simply roll my eyes and grab my book bag.

"Lets go Kellin Quinn."

He gives me an offended look. "I am WAY," he swings his arms out to exaggerate the 'way'. "hotter than him." I don't even waste my breath or roll my eyes, I just leave him standing in my room. Halfway down the stairs I hear, THUMP THUMP THUMPTHUMPTHUMP. I move out of the way quickly as he falls down the stairs and onto the floor. Of course I start giggling at him. Andy stands up quickly and brushes himself off like it didn't happen. I stop giggling, and I think i drooled a little, as he flips his hair. It was like a movie in slow motion. What snaps me out of my daze is when he winks at me. I want to melt inside but I can't give him the satisfaction of me liking him...Which I don't!!


We got new seats in Geometry today. And lucky me (note the SARCASM) I'm great at math. I guess I have been helping Andy with understanding the math because Mrs. Miller sat us together. But wait! there's more!! I am sitting in the middle with Andy on my right... and Kristen on my left. She keeps trying to act smart, but all she's doing is embarrassing herself with wrong answers. When she isn't being ditsy, she's flirting with Andy. Honestly, I feel bad for her.

"Andy, you're going to look so hot in your tux with your matching tie and hair. We are going to be the hottest couple at homecoming," she whispers. I about gag. I have had enough of this elephant poop. I bang my head down on the desk. I cannot handle this moron everyday.

"I wonder if I hit my head hard enough on the desk, I'll die," I mutter under my breath. Andy tries his best not to laugh, but fails. Mrs. Miller gives a loud SHH! in our direction. We are supposed to be working on our homework so we get it done now and don't have to take the giant rock labeled "Geometry book".

Kristen just pretends like I don't even exist. Maybe she won't notice me trying to smack her fake eyelashes off with my Geometry book.

"Look Kristen, about homeco-" Andy tries to whisper before being cut off.

"No talking, unless it is of course about the homework," Mrs. Miller shouts then sends me a smile that practically screams 'you're my star student please help these dummies.' I sigh and face palm. This new seating arrangement will be the death of me.

The bell finally rings after 10 more miserable minutes. I walk to my locker and put in the combination. I pull up the handle, but it doesn't open. I grumble under my breath. I try the combination again. Still not working. Andy chuckles at my struggle.

"Having troubles?" Andy says with a smile. That evil bastard.

"What do you think?" I say and glare at him.

"Well, if you're not having problems, I'll see you," he taps my nose with his finger, "next class." And with that he was gone. What a buttface!

I try my combination again. Doesn't open. My homework is in there, I need it for next class. I give up and race to the office.

"Hello Charlie, what can I do for you?" Mrs. White asks politely.

"My locker won't open. I tried my combination multiple times. My homework for next class is in there." I ramble on, worried. I'm already late for class. I can't afford to get a detention. I have practice after school everyday.

"Don't worry, Charlie. Here," she hands me a pink excuse pass. "This will make sure you won't be punished for being late to class. I'll call Janice, our custodian, and she will help," Mrs. White says with a calm voice. I thank her and rush to my locker. Janice is there and is puling out her keys. She greets me with a smile, I return it with a horrible attempted smile. I'm so worried that Mr. Davis will give me detention even if I have this pass. He has given someone a detention for being 30 seconds late to the class. Janice unlocks it, but my locker doesn't open.

"What in the world?" Janice mumbles. She pulls on the door with the handle and eventually gets the bottom part, where I help by pulling hard on the half opened spot. After about 10 minutes, we are able to pry open the door. A sticky, and rather nasty, goo is left on my hand from the door.

"Grab whatever you need for your next class," Janice says examining the door, "I think someone tried to glue your locker shut with something extremely strong. I'll stay here and clean it so it won't shut again." I thank her, grab my English book and report, and race to my class.

"You're late, Miss Jones. You know my policy for tardiness," Mr. Davis says without taking a glance off of the whiteboard, where he is writing our new vocab words. I walk up to him and hand him the pass. Mr. Davis looks down at it and tells me to sit down. I take my seat in the back next to Andy. I glare at him and he starts laughing as quietly he can. He scrambles for a piece of scrap paper and writes 'glad u ddnt hav any lckr issues...i wld hav been L8 2 class ;P' and hands it to me. I write back 'sum 1 glued my lckr shut' and pass it back to him. Andy just laughs more. This is going to be a bad Thursday.


I decide to go to practice today, even though I'm not allowed to do anything. Mom won't mind, if she's even home tonight. Thankfully, the rest of the school day was uneventful.

I pick up a football and start tossing it with Carter, our second string QB. He is good looking for a country boy. He has strong cheek bones and is taller than me. His strawberry blonde hair never passes his hazel eye or sun burnt ears. After school he is usually wearing his camo ball cap. We talked a little at Andy's party at the beginning of the season. Carter told me about the good fishing spots in town. I had told him that when I was younger I went fishing in the creek by our house with my dad.

"I heard what happened to your locker," Carter says and tosses me the ball.

"It wouldn't surprise me if  Kristen was the one behind this," I say, tossing the ball back.

"If you want, after practice and Feed the Team tonight, I could tap the security cameras and show you who it was," he says as nonchalantly as he could.

"That sounds great, Carter. You can just come over to my house, Andy will already be there. I'm babysitting him this week."

"Hey!! I heard that! and you aren't babysitting me. We are hanging out for the week while my mom is gone" Andy shouts from where he's sitting. The guys who are taking a quick water break with Andy start laughing. One of them shouts "Dude, you need to be babysat?" The boys laugh more.

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