Do I have something in my teeth?

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*Andy's POV*
I smell bacon!! I wake up to find a plate of bacon and pancakes on the coffee table, but what I don't find is Charlie laying next to me. She walks out of the kitchen with her own plate of food. Her pretty blue hair is in a high ponytail and she is wearing some ripped skinny jeans and a Twenty One Pilots t-shirt on. I probably look like a mess.
"When I woke up it was 9:15 so I decided to make breakfast since we are already late. We can go in for half a day to make it to practice," she says sipping her orange juice from her glass.

"Thank you," I say looking over at her.

She blushes a cute shade of pink. "For what?" She started to fidget nervously with her fingers.

"For last night, for breakfast, and for letting me skip half a day of school. Mom would kill me if I slept in late," I say as smoothly as I can. I'm pretty sure it came out awkward so I just shovel food into my mouth like a doofus.

She laughs a little and sips more of her juice awkwardly. "I so wasn't ready to take that Vocab quiz in English. Also, if you're already late, might as well look nice and late. Rather than rushed around and still be late."


We got to school only two minutes ago and I already want to punch someone. Owen has decided to make a huge scene in the cafeteria.

"Attention, attention," Owen shouted from on top of a chair. Yes, Owen, we know. You always have to have full attention, [I think, highly annoyed]. He was tossing a football around in his hands as the students got silent.

"Charlie," She looks up at him and he tosses the football at her. Charlie, being the BA chick that she is, caught the ball. "Would you tackle homecoming with me?" Owen asks with a smile. I swear his smile was more smug than genuine. Anger starts to boil in stomach.

Charlie looks overwhelmed and a little embarrassed. Her cheeks are bright red from all the attention directed at her. After a minute she answers yes. Well, that answers my question from last night! I can already tell that this won't end well.

Owen got down and kissed her cheek. I could feel my fists tightening, and my heart rate spike, and my vision becomes filled with a haze of red. I'm so done.

"Well isn't that lovely," Kristen whispers into my ear. Her words drip with evil and mischief, not the good kind either. How did she even sit beside me so quickly? I just saw her gossiping with her plastic drones (aka the cheerleaders) on the other side of the lunch room. She ran her freshly manicured index finger across my lip ring. She's so creepy. One of the reason I broke up with her. She's controlling and I don't do well with restraint.

"My dress is going to be red," Probably made from the blood of the children she eats. "You better match me. I'll be at your house at 6." She smiles one of her sickly, fake smile.

"The dance doesn't even start till 8. And I'm not going with you!!" I scream but quiet enough that I don't draw attention. I stood up to leave to go to my locker. She grabbed my arm, her nails digging into my skin painfully.

"We are going together. I will be there at 6. You will be wearing a red bow tie. You will tip your hair red. Or I will tell that pathetic girl what you did to me," she spat her words out like poison. Kristen fake smiles after a minute, leans in and kisses me quickly before I could push her away. I stand there in shock as she skips to her drones. I look around confused and shocked. My eyes land on Charlie. She smiles at me, but I can see the hurt in her eyes. My heart tightens in pain.


"Two laps around the field and then break down to end practice! Anyone inside the lines and we will add a lap!" Coach yells at us and we take off running. I spot Charlie and sprint to catch up with her. Since lunch, she's been avoiding me. In math, she wouldn't even look at me. I had to act like I didn't understand the problem in math just to get her attention.

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