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Andy's POV.

I finally make it to the hospital. I park as close as I can to the entrance. Charlie's mom comes out the door and starts waving at me.

"Okay Char, we are here," I say and look at her. She's unconscious. I start to panic and run over to her side. I throw open the door and place my hands under her knees and behind her neck. I pick her up and carry her inside.

"What happened?" Mrs. Jones asks frantically, seeing that Charlie is unconscious. She pages some doctors and gets a one of those movable beds. I gently lay Charlie down.

"When I found her, she could hardly breathe. I think she passed out on the way here," I say stuttering from panic. "Will she be okay?!" I ask the people surrounding her limp, swollen body.

"I've never seen something this severe before," says one of the ER doctors.

"Yeah, this is one insane case of poison ivy," says another doctor. A bunch of nurses were checking her temperature and blood pressure and heart rate. At least I think that's what they were doing. They just kept shoving things at her and writing down results.

"She's allergic and immune to epi pens," says Mrs. Jones to the main doctor. They immediately rushed her into another room.

Mrs. Jones made me sit in the lobby with a nurse. She wanted to make sure I was going to be okay. All I cared about was Charlie being okay. After an hour the nurse got paged and left. I was kind of glad she left. We sat in a huge awkwardness. I had called mom to tell her where I was and what happened. I only got her voicemail.

*Text from Owen* hey man, party tonight @ 9 Megan's house
*Text to Owen* Sorry dude, something happened to Charlie. We are at the hospital. Im staying with her.
*Text from Owen* ill tell the other guys. well be there in 20 mins.


"She will be okay. Some of the swelling has gone down. Doctor said she will be here till Tuesday, but can't be in this weeks practices or game," Mrs. Jones told us. The boys and I had sat in the lobby for what felt like forever. We looked very strange. Half of the guys were in party clothes. The handful of others wore sweatpants and pajamas. It is about 11:30.

"You guys can go to her room. Just, please don't make a ruckus," she says, rubbing her sleep deprived face.

"Mrs. Jones, I was going to stay here tonight if you want to go home and sleep. You've been working since yesterday," I say.

"Thank you, Andy. Her room is 372, on the second floor," she says, ruffling my hair and leaves.

When we get to her room, which is too small to hold the entire varsity team but we jam in there, I sit in the chair next to her bed. Charlie moves around a little, rubs her eyes, then looks straight at me. I swear my stomach did a back flip. She smiles and looks around the room.

"Hey, you guys. Whatcha doing?" she says a little confused but still smiling.

"We are here to make sure you're okay. How do you feel?" Owen says to her.

"I feel special," she says giggling.

We all talked for an hour, until a nurse came in and told the guys they had to leave. Owen had kissed her cheek before leaving. I wanted to punch him. I know him, and he will only break her heart. He is a player, she doesn't deserve to get hurt from him.

I lay out on the mini couch in her room. I start drifting into sleep.

"Andy?" Charlie whispered sleepily.

"Yeah, Char?" I mumble, feeling myself drift into sleep.

"Thank you, for helping me."

"Anything for you..." I say and fall asleep.

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