Your 4 missed calls say differently

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"What do you think?" Charlie's sweet voice filled the dressing room area. I look up from my phone and she's wearing a long flowy dress with jewls in random spots on the purple silk. I scrunch my nose in disgust.

"It's just not you," I say and continue my Clash of Clans raid. She's tried on almost every dress in her size. Or at least that's what it seems like. She's beautiful and all, but none of the dresses she's tried on look good.

"Oh yes!" Char says, but when I look up she isn't there. "This is the one."

"Come on Char. Show me," I whine like a tiny child thing.

"Nope. Andy, go to the food court and get us Taco Bell. Im going to get this and I have to stop in another store. I'll meet you down there," she says from her stall.

I make some kind of dying moose sound but get up anyways. My mind wonders to the almost kiss.


I call Charlie for the fourth time since she sent me to get tacos. There aren't many people at the mall right now. A few old couples and some random strangers. One couple is sitting on a bench near the candle shop. The man reaches behind himself and hands his wife a heart shaped box of chocolates. Her face lights up and she smiles like a child on Christmas. He wraps his arm around her and they feed each other the little chocolates. I want a relationship like theirs. Someone to grow old with, but act as if we haven't aged a day.

Suddenly, my vision goes dark and someone's hands are covering my eyes. The person behind me giggles and immediately I know it's Char. I smile and pull her soft hands away.

"Miss me?" Charlie says and sits across from me. She is back in her cute sweater and skinny jeans. Her pretty blue hair is half pinned back. She picks up her coffee off the floor where she must have set it down so she could cover my eyes and sips it. She looks so adorable right now, like she always does.

"Ew no," I say and open my Beefy Potato Burrito, taking a large bite.

"Your 4 missed calls say differently," she says with a smirk. I focus my mind on the food so I don't blush and let her know I really did miss her.



I lay on my bed thinking about the fun day I had with Andy. After we finished our tacos, we went home. I put my dress in my closet right away so if Andy does come over later, he won't see it.

Andy left for practice a few minutes ago. My stomach flutters with butterflies at the thought of Andy. But I can NOT like anyone right now. I need to focus on school and football, not boy dramallama. I should really get some friends of the female gender. All I've done since I started football is hang out with Andy nonstop. Somedays the guys on the team will come chill with us, but its not the same as having girls to hang out with. At my last school though, I made friends with the wrong girls. We hung out a lot and did girly things, but they turned against me and created so much drama. They spread rumors about me and told my secrets. I didn't stand up for myself though, because I was in too much shock from the betrayal. The guys on the football team told me that if I came back to play on the team next season, they would make it impossible for me to be on the team, and if by some miracle I did make it, my life would be worse than hell. My old friends told them a lot of untrue things so they would turn on me. Some team, huh?

I mean obviously I'm going to avoid Kristen and her Klones. I think she wants to shoot me with a bedazzled shotgun and strap me to the hood of her bright pink VW Bug. And it's all because I hang out with Andy and the guys, and she doesn't have Andy under her reign anymore. I don't understand why she wants him so much, they are nothing alike and she could get just about any guy. She has so many wrapped around her finger. Andy's closest friends can see she's a nut bag, but the rest of the guys just see a 'hot' cheerleader.

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