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I never really liked the crown. I found that people who have power, always get what they want. It doesn't matter what it is, they get it. When I was little I dreamed that I would one day become the princess.

I soon faced a harsh reality when my older sister and her friends told me that I wasn't pretty enough, or that I acted too much like a boy. I see now that they're not wrong. I have short pin straight brunette hair that I don't brush all that often, mainly it goes into a low ponytail that ends at the bottom of my neck. I have piercing bright bluish-gray eyes, and simple features.

I Despise wearing dresses with a deep passion, I would rather wear pants like the boys, but mother forces me to act ladylike until I marry and I am someone else's problem.

Today I am wearing a simple dark blue skirt with an off white shirt.

"Samantha? Samantha!" my mother calls from the door frame. She caught me reading again while I'm supposed to be doing my chores. "Samantha Harris! what have I told you about reading while you are supposed to be washing the floors?" she looked sadly at the soapy bucket of water in the corner and then looked at my pile of books.

"If you don't learn to get your head out of the clouds then you will never marry! Then you will be my problem for the rest of my life." Mom was laughing by the end of her speech. I know that she doesn't see me as a problem. My older sister Margaret then comes in. "What's so funny?" she says in a light tone.

"Oh nothing, well actually it's your sister, she won't wash the floor without reading her billion books first." my mom rolled her eyes and continued. "Oh goodness! How could I have forgotten?" "Forgotten what mother?" Trish my younger sister says as she comes into the room. "We got a letter from the royal family and I haven't opened it yet, everyone in the kingdom has, but it's addressed to you three!" We all look at each other for a moment.

Then we bolt for the door, all wishing to be the first one to open the letter. Margaret got there first. Before I continue I would like to explain Margaret to you. Margaret had long silky brown hair, she has deep dark eyes that always look like they care.

She is a seamstress and works at a local shop. She is extremely attractive and all the boys want her. She wears all different kinds of extravagant dresses that bring out her celebrity-like features. She cares a lot about her looks and always knows just what to say and when to say it.

She does her chores without being asked and she is a good housekeeper. I will also explain Trish. She is more like me, her hair is long brown and she looks like Margaret. But she acts like me. She has her own opinions and ideas. She wants to show the world who she is.

"I would like to open it please." I say to my sisters, they ignore my requests and open the envelope carefully. The letter read

Dear all unmarried women of this household

There will be a ball held at the palace in one weeks' time, you will dance with the prince and he will, by the end of the night, choose the next queen of the land. Only unmarried women may attend. We will greet you at the palace in one week. See you then, ladies.

We all gasp at the same time. "Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness! We get to meet the prince! We get to meet the prince!" Trish and Margaret shout. I think that the ball is going to be fun but there is no way I am going to go. "We are going to get all of you new dresses right now before they are all sold out!" My mother announced.

"But mama, I don't think I want to go to the ball, I don't really like this sort of thing and I can't dance." I say calmly. My sisters and mama stop and look at me like I'm stupid. "Honey, I know you don't like this kind of thing but you and your sisters are going to go together, I don't care what you have to say, your father would have wanted it."

My mother's eyes start to water. "I know that I can't provide you with everything now that your father is gone, so I want to give you the chance to have a better life." By the end of her speech her tear filled eyes flow over. "Oh Mama, I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt that way! you have given us the best life possible." Trish and Margaret nod in agreement. "I will go to the ball then if that's how you feel."

I say knowingly. Mama looks at me in appreciation. "Samantha, Margaret, Trish, I don't know what I would do without you, I want to find you ladies the most beautiful dresses ever!" My sisters and Mama drag me out the door and we go look at dresses. I can't wait to get this done and over with.

We got to the dressmakers shop and because Margaret works there we had a discount. The dress shop is like no other place I've ever been in. There are men and women rushing around trying to get things done, and beautiful intricate patterned fabric that lined the walls. There is every color that you could ever dream of, from lush reds to light yellow to dark blue. There are bins and bins of sewing supplies that sit on the shelves waiting to be used. The tables sit at the back of the room, each decorated with a pushpin filled with needles and pins, a sewing machine and a rainbow of thread. When you walk in they take your measurements, they have really nice staff. I ordered a simple purple and blue dress that had a gold lining. It's long and has thin layers that start out dark purple and end in a light blue. It's simple but beautiful. Trish ordered a pale pink dress that has a flower on the side, it's really pretty.

Margaret ordered a dress that starts as orange and fades to a pale yellow. The lady who took my measurements had one blue eye and one green eye. She was beautiful.

After we left the dress shop we went to look at shoes, we all got simple shoes that we could dance in. There were so many people rushing around trying to find what they needed for the ball. So many young women out and about, flirting with the men that were there. After we got shoes we all headed home for lunch.

My home is a small two story house, there are 6 rooms. One for Me, one for Trish, one for Margaret, one for Mama, the kitchen and the main room.

We were making lunch in the kitchen, a simple meal of sandwiches and veggies. We talked and laughed as we ate, sitting at the kitchen table. We discussed our plans for the ball and what the next few days will look like. "Work will be a madhouse! I will be so busy for the next few days." Margaret said with a laugh. "Does that mean that we will hardly see you?" Trish replied. We laughed and ate. Then there was a knock at the door.

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