Chapter 74: The Competition Begins

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Furthermore, there was a tendency for it to continue rising!

The day before, her supernatural power was still very stable, but today, there was a significant leap. What exactly happened in one night?

Ning Qin looked at Nian Yue. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't come back to his senses until her eyes met his.

"What are you looking at?" Nian Yue raised her eyebrows. Her tone was still casual, but the pressure on her body was getting stronger.

"You're quite pretty..." Ning Qin smiled, showing his cute dimples and canine teeth.

No matter how she looked at it, he was a cute boy.

'The comers of Nian Yue's lips twitched. She changed her posture and continued to lean against the wall. Her slender and fair fingers were holding a pen, and she looked rather nonchalant.

Only her eyes looked very cold.

It was time for class to end. A boy stood up and walked to the podium. He said to the audience, "Tomorrow, 'Pugilistic World' will be holding a competition in our school. Does anyone want to sign up?"

None of the students below answered. The boy took a look at Nian Yue and was about to ask her if she wanted to participate, but when he met that pair of cold eyes, he subconsciously felt a little scared.

He could not afford to offend the big boss, so he better not look for her.

'The game had become increasingly popular over the past few days. After No.1 Middle School had gone through a nervous mid-term exam, the students welcomed the long-awaited eSports competition.

'The bell rang, and all the students filed out. A boy ran in from outside, his face full of excitement. "Hey, hey, hey, today, 'Pugilistic World' is holding a competition in our school..."

The students in the class were busy with their own things, and none of them looked up when they heard this.

"Hey, can you guys have some fighting spirit..."

'When the boy saw that no one was paying attention to him, he continued to shout, "I heard that there's a top 100 guru ranking in this school. Maybe he'll stand out in this competition and be chosen by Mountain Ghost..."
"are you kidding? Really?!"

Upon hearing the words' Mountain Ghost ', a boy's eyes lit up and he could no longer sit still!

"Really! Even the general manager of Mountain Ghost Network is here!"

'The voices of the other students came from the door. "They even brought their company's team this time..."
Upon hearing this news, the students who were extremely calm just now all ran out.

"This time, they are using holographic projections and the battle between Mountain Ghost's gaming geniuses..."
"I want to go! I want to participate in the competition!"

"Me too! I want to fight against those geniuses and be tortured so badly that even my own mother can't recognize me

There were almost no boys in Class A who did not play games. Upon hearing such tempting conditions, they all ran out.
In an instant, only a few people were left in the bustling class.

Nian Yue, who was sleeping in the last row, finally opened her eyes. As she woke up, her brows were tightly furrowed. The zipper of her school uniform was pulled open, and she looked a little irritated.
Her eyes were cold as she casually leaned against the wall.

"Nian Yue, shall we go take a look?" Wang Zhizhi tumed around and asked, her eyes shining.

She had been playing the game for some time now, but she had not made it onto the list yet.

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