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When you were five years old, you had asked your mother what the thing between your legs was. You had been curious and you meant no harm but then you had forgotten that the curious cat had gotten killed or in your case, slapped. Your mother had screamed and had called you a spoilt child and you had been so confused when her palm connected with your right cheek. Your whole face had tingled with pain as tears brimmed in your eyes. You had never asked your mother again but you would find out what it was in the later years.

When you were twelve, just starting secondary school, you found out that there was blood on your pink underwear. You had screamed for your mother and when she found you, your pant bundled up at your ankles and your hands dripping with warm blood, she had knocked your head with her knuckles and handed you a thin pad.

You were a woman now, she had shouted at you pulling at your ears, and you were not to let any man or boy touch you. If you did, you would get pregnant, and if you got pregnant, she would beat you to death.

You had avoided boys like a plague and you had ignored your friends when they laughed at you about it. Clearly, they were naive and you would have the last laugh when they got pregnant.

Your chastity had lasted for about a month until one boy, you could not remember his name, touched your shoulder. He had taken your yoghurt and you had ran after him, beating his back viciously and shouting at him to give you back your drink. When you had finally caught up with him, his school shirt successfully bunched into your fist, you collected your yogurt from him making sure that even your fingers did not touch. You had sucked your teeth and he bent over, laughing and trying to catch his breath, and when he stood up back, he placed his hand on your shoulder and the world stopped.

"You have gotten me pregnant, this boy," You had told him softly, tears of regret running down your face as you thought about how you could have just left the yoghurt for him.

The smile on his face faltered, but only for a moment, "What do you mean? Pregnant ke?"

"Ahh!" You had screamed and tore at your hair in frustration. You were in agony and as you stumbled backwards, the boy put his two hands on your shoulders to steady you and more tears fell down your face. You felt faint and nervous.

"Vero?" He asked. "What is the matter?"

"Leave me alone!" You screamed again and thought about how you would take care of a child when you were just a child yourself. You turned to the boy, "You'll take care of this child too, you hear me? You will not leave me to fend for myself. Bastard!"

You left him there and he laughed after you, the laugh sounding scared and amused at the same time. You wanted to leave the school immediately but you knew that your mom would ask questions and you would not be able to lie to her so you waited until closing time when your elder brother came to pick you, and then, you would tell him everything.

When it was closing time, you rushed out of the class and almost forgot to take your bag. Your elder brother would be waiting for you outside the gate because his school closed an hour before yours.

"Big brother," You called out immediately you saw him, the tears you had been holding in class tumbling out in streams, as you ran into his arms.

"Okparavero," He pulled you to him like he always did and studied your face for a while. "What happened to you?"

You sobbed loudly, not caring that people were staring at you, and tried to talk to him, "I... I," You started bawling again.

"Talk Vero!"

"I'm pregnant, big brother!" You blurted out and continued crying. The hand that had been rubbing your shoulder froze and the look on Brother Ochiora's face was one of pure horror. For one fearful moment, you thought that he would push you away but he only took your hand and pulled you to walk with him.

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