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    Zhou Xiu invited the children into the inn to study, and they swarmed in, took out their workbooks and began to write happily and seriously.

    The tidbits fell on the group of half-grown children. Seeing that they were using the same notebook and pen, the style was very familiar. She suddenly raised her head and glanced at Zhou Xiu.

    It turned out that Zhou Xiu bought the pen and notebook for their use.


    Xu Qing, Du Feiyang, Yu Qingyan and the others took a full nap and walked downstairs. They were taken aback when they saw that the inn hall was full of children.

    Zhou Xiu was writing and practicing attentively, taking notes while holding an iPad, and Tan Ming was reading a book.

    On a scorching summer day, the golden sun shines into the room in the afternoon, and the breezy breeze accompanies the sound of turning pages. A plate of mosquito coils was lit at the foot of the table, and there were a few green watermelons on the table, which looked unexpectedly harmonious and clean.

    Du Feiyang stretched, walked to Zhou Xiu's side and sat down. He rubbed his eyes and looked closely to find that Zhou Xiu was writing a number of Olympiad exam questions.

    It's not surprising that Zhou Xiu wrote the math questions, Du Feiyang glanced aside and received a critical blow. They came here and still have the heart to study?

    I saw the tidbits watching the high school physics video, while Tan Ming was holding the college entrance examination math tutoring book.

    "Hey, hey, let's go to play in the afternoon?"

    This homework has been written in one piece, can you still play happily?

    The eldest child frowned, looked at Du Feiyang impatiently, and said like a little adult, "What's the hurry, I'll take you to play after I finish writing this question."

    "Sister Xiu, how do you do this question?"

    Zhou Xiu stopped writing and was about to take the exercise book. Du Feiyang was amused. He glanced at the problem of the elementary school one-dimensional linear equation, and cut off the workbook bluntly.

    "You don't need Sister Xiu, Brother Yang is more than enough."

    Du Feiyang taught children math problems.

    As soon as Du Feiyang asked, he found that this half-year-old boy was not as good as a third-grade student in elementary school mathematics.

    The child was dragged like twenty-five thousand, but under Du Feiyang's repeated questions, he was rarely scolded and kept silent.

    After Du Feiyang finished teaching all his math problems, the other children raised their heads one after another, their eyes strangely hot and bright.

    "Brother Yang, you are amazing!"

    "You look so knowledgeable!"

    "Brother Yang, can you teach me?"

    Although each child has a heavy accent and speaks jerky Mandarin, this series of sincere compliments, Hearing that, Du Feiyang was elated. He was quickly overwhelmed by a pile of white workbooks, and seven or eight workbooks fell into his arms in the blink of an eye.

    Du Feiyang was flattered by these fiery admiration eyes, and he said bravely, "It's normal. Hahahaha."

    "Really, I'm not as good as your sister Xiu."

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