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    The girls in Rocket Class and the girls in Class 24 were stunned.

    Unexpectedly, Zhou Xiu was stimulated by Qi Yaguang for a few words, and he actually played.

    Although it sounds cool, it would be even more fun if they win, the girls in Class 24 thought to themselves.

    However—Yuan Ruoyi quickly reacted and said with disgust: "Zhou Xiu, you let Yu Qingyan come on."

    "Don't delay the whole group because of your personal temperament."

    The long legs of the girls participating in the sprint competition , even the tidbits are girls who are 170+, but Zhou Xiu is not tall, and the shortcomings of competing with the athletes are obvious.

    Yu Qingyan originally wanted to be a substitute, but Zhou Xiu had already said to run.

    She quickly waved her hand: "I can't, I'm running very slowly. Let Xiuxiu come on."

    Yuan Ruoyi glanced at Zhou Xiu's hair with contempt, and folded her arms around her shoulders and looked away coldly.     Wei Xiang, the sports committee member, said: "The key is to participate in the competition. You can run hard. It doesn't matter if

    you don't have a few points in the relay race. The boys will work hard to get them back."     The girls calculated carefully, the few points were more than the team relay race. Trivia Today, many events are not allowed to participate, which means that many points that should have been won have been lost.     Although Zhou Xiu's study does have two brushes, how can this kind of collective honor be used as a joke?     But Zhou Xiu insisted: "I ran the last stroke."     "Trust me."     Originally let Zhou Xiu replace, Yuan Ruoyi was already disgusted enough, but she still wanted to run the last stroke.     She rolled her eyes, almost exasperated.     Another participating girl grabbed Yuan Ruoyi and gave her a wink:

    "Why are you targeting Zhou Xiu, why are you arguing with your own people at this time, and let the Rockets watch jokes? Let's run faster for the first three and try not to fall too far behind."

    "Come on, Zhou Xiu!"

    Zhou Xiu nodded vigorously , The calm face shows no emotion.

    The girls in the other classes next to them were relieved when they saw the tidbits end.

    The game that was already mostly a foregone conclusion suddenly has more variables, doesn't this mean that they also have hope of winning the championship?

    While it's a little unkind to think that way, there's nothing more relaxing than the absence of a rival's main player.

    The inspection of the team 4X100m competition begins.

    The last shot of the rocket class happened to be Lu Lingshan, Zhou Xiu and Lu Lingshan were next to each other, standing on the diagonal positions of different tracks.

    Lu Lingshan is worthy of being Yude's popular school beau. Before the competition started, she was surrounded by many juniors and juniors, some who delivered water, some held towels, some held medical boxes, and the stars were treated like stars.

    "Come on, schoolgirl!"

    "Sister is dressed so well today, look here! We'll video you the whole process."

    "Lu Lingshan, I believe you can win the championship, come on!" Qi Yaguang shouted loudly.

    Lu Lingshan once skipped cheerleading and was selected as a national second-level athlete, and there is indeed hope of winning the championship.

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