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    When the scumbags of Class 24 heard this, they looked at Madam Jiang in shock.

    How could she apologize so easily?

    At this moment, the Xi Shaoyuan in Du Feiyang's eyes was like a good-feeling filter, and he was handsome.

    He didn't expect that Young Master Yuan would take care of Zhou Xiu.

    Xi Shaoyuan was wearing a summer school uniform with a white shirt, with one hand in the school uniform pocket. He walked to the door, and a classmate immediately made way for him.

    Mrs. Jiang looked at Zhou Xiu with cold eyes. She had lived smoothly for decades. How could she have thought that she would be stumbled by such a stinky girl.

    What's even more hateful is that this time, Xi Qingyuan also let these children make trouble.

    Xi Shaoyuan asked Zhou Xiu, "What do you think about this matter?"

    Zhou Xiu looked at Madam Jiang's unapologetic eyes, shrugged and said,

    "I thought I could get Madam Jiang's sincere apology, but it doesn't seem to be the case now.

    " The face came so quickly, the scumbags held back their laughter and couldn't help but let out a snort.

    Looking at this dramatic scene, their doubtful eyes could not help but fall on Xi Shaoyuan.

    The trivia understood in seconds, and she whispered to Yu Qingyan, "You deserve it."

    There are people who are more arrogant than Madam Jiang as the saying goes. Having money is great, can you do whatever you want with money?

    Xi Shaoyuan has been studying in Yude for more than ten years, and the fact that he is Xi Qingyuan's son has only recently been discovered by tidbits.

    Mrs. Xi is low-key and kind-hearted. She has been giving out scholarships in obscurity for so many years, and has never troubled others. It was not until the last time the "high-priced scholarship" was picked up that everyone knew that she was Yude's school director. Such people have the demeanor of a wealthy family.

    Xi Shaoyuan's eyes swept over and glanced at Madam Jiang.

    Zhou Xiu said coldly: "Don't impose your own ideas on others. What you think is very precious and important may be worthless in the eyes of others."

    Zhou Xiu pointed to the matter of falling in love with Jiang Yichen.

    Mrs. Jiang automatically filtered out this sentence. If she hadn't made friends with people like Xi Shaoyuan, would Zhou Xiu be able to say such things to her today?

    The principal, who watched silently for a long time, took off his glasses and finally said,

    "Mrs. Jiang, the school has rules and regulations of the school, and it will not be changed by the will of individual people. If you make trouble today, others will Let's make trouble, can the school still operate normally?"

    "The dignity of students is also dignity. This time you misunderstood Zhou Xiu. I hope you can apologize to my students and don't trouble her again in the future."

    Jiang Madam's face turned blue and red, and she said to the principal in disbelief, "I would care about like a child?" The

    principal did not speak with a serious face.

    She took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, Zhou Xiu."

    After Mrs. Jiang apologized, she said goodbye to the principal, and left the disgraced office.

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