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    Du Feiyang saw Tan Ming's expression that he didn't know what he had missed, and even faintly laughed at them being too happy too early.

    He flattened the corners of his mouth and held back his smile, just wanting to share his fast fall with Tan Ming.

    As for whether Tan Ming will be worried? Du Feiyang doesn't care.

    Du Feiyang flipped through the notes organized by Zhou Xiu, clicked on this experimental question, and pointed at a certain conjecture question, and the chemical formulas were pointed out by him one by one.

    "Mingming, doesn't this look familiar to you?"

    "Mingming, does it look like the major biology question you took today?"

    Tan Ming followed Du Feiyang's fingertips, his face gradually changed, Zhou Xiu sorted it out The notes are really right on a few questions.

    Other scumbags also gathered around, and what was originally a naked show turned into a large-scale answering scene.

    "Hey, it turns out that there is also one here, but I actually missed it." This was a heartache.

    "I'm confused, grass. Dad lost at least ten points here." This is the voice that wants to kill himself.

    "I thought there was only one question, but there are so many in the review materials..." This was the voice of regret for losing a huge amount of wealth.

    Du Feiyang didn't know how to talk about his mood at the moment, so he inserted another knife.

    He said, "I don't think these are really important. What matters is that Xiuxiu's basic knowledge is very suitable for beginners to get started. Yuan Ruoyi can understand it after reading it."

    Yuan Ruoyi nodded.

    Tan Ming: "..."

    Tan Ming turned his head and asked them, "You all use it to review?" The

    scumbags nodded.

    Tan Ming gradually frowned, no, why do these people usually play more than each other, they get headaches when they study, and they still have time to read Zhou Xiu's materials when they come to exams?

    In this final exam, most of the students in the class used Zhou Xiu's materials. It just happened that only one person didn't see it.

    Tan Ming suddenly realized this frightening fact.

    Du Feiyang's sincerity, he takes out the information and memorizes it several times a day, and the question type is easy to follow. At this moment, his brows and eyes were filled with a smile as bright as the sun, and the happiness revealed was so hard to ignore.

    And Yuan Ruoyi, a blind rote memorizer, also found a treasure unintentionally at this moment, exuding a sense of pride all over his body.

    When everyone was enthusiastic about the answer, she said something from her heart:

    "I'm not afraid of you laughing. Now I really feel that the results obtained by hard work make people feel at ease. In the past, cheating in exams was always apprehensive, troublesome and didn't say anything. I didn't do well in the test. I'll never cheat again."

    This was the first time Yuan Ruoyi felt the power of hard work, and she felt a sense of accomplishment when she got the test results based on her strength and answered the answer.

    Trivia glanced at Yuan Ruoyi, raised her lips and said, "It's good if you know your mistakes and correct them."

    Zhou Xiu was in no mood to listen to everyone's discussion, and used this spare time to brush up on English.

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