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Hey my love

I still loving you.
Just in case that you have forgotten.

But there is something i have to tell you.

I'm sorry...
I'm sorry for being to much,
I'm sorry for not being enough
I'm sorry for texting you
I'm sorry for not texting you
I'm sorry for leaving you
I'm sorry for staying
I'm sorry for being how I am
I'm sorry for not being myself

I'm sorry for telling you that I love you
I'm sorry for not telling you how much you mean to me
I'm sorry for missing you
I'm sorry for not missing the tears
I'm sorry for forgot that there is nothing i can do
I'm sorry for remember what you said
I'm sorry for the things I've done
I'm sorry for the things I'm not enough brave to make

I know I'm not perfect
I know I make mistakes, usually
I know I hurt people
But believe me when I say Sorry, because I really mean it.

I wish I could be a better me,
And I'm on it
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
I wish I could forget you
But I truly don't want to

You gave me hope in the darkness
You make me smile in a bad day
You make me love myself more than anything

And sometimes I just wanna know the truth,
Knowing it's going to hurt
Knowing I will regret it

But that's how I am, I fell of without any rope to save my life
That have gave  lots of tears and lots of laughs.
And I don't regret anyone
Not even you

Always yours

Words to an imposible loveWhere stories live. Discover now