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My baby

Today i was watching the night sky, and I start imagine how many stars could be in it.

I didn't even care of look at it on Google, there were less in comparative of how much I love you.

I know what I'm sayin.
Also, I know I can't say all of them now, because probably I'll forgot most part of them, but I promise that I'll spend the rest of my life proving it, if it's necessary.

I wish that what we have now, even it's not all that I want, will stay for a long, long time.

I reed something the other day.
It's says:
"Your arms around me feels like home... I'm homesick"

An it's kinda what I feel just, when you look at me.
Another thing, it's that, the other day, you told me that you feel me weird, like if I was angry or something

And it was kinda like that...
I'm taking on, that I'll never have you,
The way I want to have you, s
So I'm trying to get away your smile from my mind,
Your eyes from my mind,
Your body form my mind,
The way you look at me from my mind...

And its so hard, that I think I'll never made it...

Going back to the stars, I don't think that in none of every single planet I'm this universe, is nobody like you.

You have something, quirky, unaccountable, that makes you, you.

And I t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶  know, it's yhe most wonderful thing in the universe.

It's why I still alive...

Thanks of you

Always yours

Words to an imposible loveWhere stories live. Discover now