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My dearest
Today I was feeling alone.
Even when the last time I saw you was yesterday.
But I watch all those people with the love of your life,
even you,
And I feel like nobody is going to love never.

I know I'm a hard person,
'Cause isn't easy to now me right

I usually show of me what they want to see.
A happy girl, who has a good life, with no many friends but true ones,
A not much pretty girl, who love her body and how is she.
A strong girl, that don't care about what people says about her.

But I'm not like that. I'm a stupid girl, that hates her self, that cares a lot about what people says about her way to life, her body, or her self, that her worst enemy is her self, that fells in love with straight people...

But I don't care how bad I am, or how bad I'm feeling with my self, I'm going to false a smile to make the people I love feeling good, and I'm going to fake a laugh or anything to make the people around me happy.

Even knowing this is going to hurt me.
But if i hate seen sad the people I care about, imagine the people I love...
I woul do anything for the one I love, no matter how crazy it is.

And as William Shakespeare said:
"If you do not remember the slightest madness in which love made you fall, you have not loved"

Always your

Words to an imposible loveWhere stories live. Discover now