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Hi babe:
I miss u so much right now.
I wanna tell you that I love you.
But it's hard...
It's hard to know that you will never love the same as I do.
And that's a problem...

I'm gonna have to learn how to live like this...
Because everytime I see you
I just wanna kiss u
Until u don have no breath
Until I don't wanna get away from you
Until your cheats get red as the roses
Until the moment you realize that I only want you...

But... That's not going to happen
So the only thing I have left
It's to dream of you u, sleeping next to me, hugging me.
Or just setting in my sofa, watching Disney movies that I know u love.
Or walking down the streats, with our hands together.
Just talking.
Of nothin in especial.
Just you and me.
Beyond everything.
I need to shout this.
But I cant.
I have no voice if you r not right next to me.
Telling me everything is gonna be okey.
In my darkest moments or even in the good ones.
I need to feel you next to me.
I need to see you next to me.
And, just loving you, make me feel more me

Always yours...

Words to an imposible loveWhere stories live. Discover now