6. The ancient tomb of Darkness

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Reader died before gen 6 debut, so they wouldn't know who our favorite kusogaki demon overlord is.

I'm not sure what I expected from an ancient tomb of darkness, BUT IT SURE WAS DARK! Holy heck, Im more or less just huddled between Towa and Aloe, but this place just gives me the absolute creeps. Its cavernous walls, riddled with places people could hide and jumpscare you!

I looked around the obsidian walls, there seemed to be pictures on the walls, carved into the obsidian stone. It depicted a large malicious looking entity with huge horns. It had large grin and seemed to be holding different planets.

Beneath it there were four people, however their depiction wasn't very clear, further along the walls it was depicted that the monster was sealed, but the means to which were left out.

"That seems stupid, YAY lets seal some kinda chaos beast and never tell anyone how the heck you should seal it if it ever returns!" Towa said, deadpanning.

"Seems like they weren't the sharpest tools in the shed huh, well they must have done something right if they managed to seal it" Aloe said, "you know, they should totally turn this into a museum or something, seems sad something so interesting is locked away in some cave somewhere"

"Well it sure was a hassle to get here in the first place!" Towa said, huffing at this recollection

"First we had to evade the police"

"After that it was parkouring through a dig site"

"And then climbing over the wires in front of the cave" Towa said, counting on her fingers, exactly how many stupidly illegal shit we did.

"But it sure was an adventure wasn't it!" Aloe chirped, twirling around Towa and picking me up above her head in the process.

However in the process, Aloe stumbled against one of the walls and a faint click was heard.

"Holy jingus cringus"

Before our very eyes, the walls parted and showed a long winding stairs, there was a glowing purple light at the end and the whole room was filled with ominous creaking for a few seconds.

Towa slowly turned around to face Aloe.

"What. The. Heck. Did you do?"

Aloe turned to the cave to me and then to Towa, then before I knew what the heck was happing she screamed: "Adventure!!" And ran down the stairs with me in stowed away in her arms.

"REEEEEEEeeeeeeee" I screeched as the stairs turned into a slide, Aloe laughing out loud as we heard a disturbed Towa-sama slip down the stairs too.

The previously stairs and now slide went on for about two minutes, after which we were plunged into dark freezing water.  Aloe and I resurfaced and I spluttered and flailed with my useless tiny limbs before noticing I was basically just a sentient floaty and calming down.

Seconds later, Towa-sama dropped from above, and on instinct, I grew to the size of a double bed so Towa wouldn't have to sploosh into the freezing water. Aloe looked up to the bouncy Towa on my back and uttered "why didn't ya do that for me!".

To which I more or less just chirped apologetically. Towa looking at Aloe smugly before the three of us reached the shore of black sand.

Before us, lay some sort of sarcophagus, it was black and dark purple and it had menacing horns paired with two yellow gemstone eyes.

"Ehh guys I don't think we should go too close to it" Towa said, while looking for an exit around the cave.

The cave itself glowed, there was a type of algae on the walls around the small lake we had fallen into. It gave the cave an almost comforting look, the only eery thing was the sarcophagus in the middle.

It didn't have any treasure around it like the Egyptian ones and it was much shorter that the ones I had seen in my former life.

Suddenly we heard a whisper

"H.. e..l.p ..... m...e"

Aloe, who was busy drying her clothes almost jumped back into the lake due to fright.

I myself clung to Towa like a cat climbing a tree.

Towa didn't seem to be too disturbed.

All three of us looked to the source of the sound.

It was coming from the sarcophagus...


Towa walked closer to the sarcophagus, which only intensified my internal panic.


My mental link to Towa told me that she was calm, worried even.

That peaked my interest and dulled the panic I felt earlier a great deal. 

"Ehh Towa-chan, I'm not sure if you should go to the talking sarcophagus"

Towa touched the sarcophagus and then turned to Aloe, then giving the most innocent, wholesome expression said:

"What if someone's trapped in there"

Suddenly I felt kinda bad, the voice sounded kinda high pitched and not at all like an evil ghost, whoever is trapped probably just wants to get out of this horrid place.

Aloe probably thought something similar, she nodded at Towa, "okay then, open the thingy, but if DOES happen to be some kind of evil spirit of doom, you owe me a donut and a cheat sheet" she said, whilst hiding behind one of the obsidian beams in the cave and peaking her head out to see what would happen when Towa opened it.

Towa took a deep breath, she was nervous I could tell, I put one of my marshmallow paws on her hand before giving her an encouraging look. Or well I think I did, I don't really know how this body handles expressions.

Towa slowly slid the lid of the sarcophagus, enveloping the cave in a yellow light. When we could see again, I saw the form of a...


... cliffhanger :D

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