4. School life but devi-rent

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Waking up, the first thing I did was check my surroundings, purple walls greeted me and I remembered that this was indeed not a dream. I wanted to rub the sleep out of my strange eyes, even though I actually didn't feel very tired at all, "human me would've loved this". The fact that I had energy meant that I should wake up, I looked at the clock that hung on the wall. "7:30 already, according to Towa-sama's roster, her first lesson is at 8:30, I should wake her up".

Bringing my strangely flexible body up from the ground, I stared at the devil, still snoozing in bed, of course I didn't want to wake this sleeping beauty, but I had to. Bracing myself, I jumped up as far as this pudgy body allowed me to and repeatedly bounced on the bed, until a groggy Towa, rolled off, still grumbling about how unfair life was.

I rolled my marshmallow looking body off the bed in the same fashion Towa did, looking her in the eye, mentally giving her some kind of strength to get going. Towa clicked her tongue, "only for you Bibi". Then she dragged herself to the bathroom to get ready, while I was left to rethink this new life.

After getting ready for the morning, which consisted mostly of me tagging along and doing whatever Towa was, we went to school, as for me, I was just chilling. Towa was mostly scrolling through the devil looking phone whilst idly sipping a strange glowing smoothy, I thought about the fact that I'd like to try one.

Towa just looked around, smirking. "Hehe, Bibi-chan wants some of this" she said, waving around the smoothy before bringing it up to where I was currently perched. I gratefully took a sip and perked up at the taste.

"Strange, like watermelon and blueberries combined but still..."

I pondered a while longer while Towa walked through the schools hallways, the crowd making space for the purple haired girl to get through.

"High school brats are always the same huh, once someone shows they are the absolute shit, they practically grovel at their feet... kinda like politicians"

Walking through the school I couldn't help but notice a bright pink stray hair disappearing beyond the corner, I was curious but held myself back.

"Id rather not lose Towa-sama in the crowd, or I might accidentally get kicked like a football by these brats"


"Talk about blatant sarcasm, or think in this case"

After a few lessons, which were quite entertaining now that the rumors had spread about Towa's power. Every lesson a new pair of brats would gawk and try to talk Towa up into joining their friend group, of course Towa and I knew better.

"Pretty disgusting"

People trying to get close to someone who has proven themselves to be better than you, I understand why Towa didn't think friends would be necessary with kids like these.

I sighed for the nth time that day, even though it wasn't quite what I remembered a sigh to sound like, whatever sounds this marshmallow thing could make were distorted and strange like a glitch filter, I could imagine myself doing an evil villain laugh with this, though I'm sure my voice box wouldn't be able to produce such a sound.

I had tested my voice the day before, standing in front of the mirror, but it were only the sounds of a strange creature that greeted me. Though I did determine that my voice was leaning towards the feminine side, though I don't think one could tell that at first glance.


After the fifth lesson that day, we suddenly heard an announcement.

"Tokoyami Towa-san, please report to the head councilor of the dormitories, further instructions will be given"

"Councilor of the dorms huh, wonder what that's about"

Luckily at this point, no one seemed quite brash enough to mock Towa and I, so we went straight to the dorm building.

When we arrived we went up the stairs to the 7th floor, where we stood in front of a polished dark wood door with golden edges and a gold nameplate that read 'dorm councilor'. Which to be honest... is probably what I should expect... when going... to the head councilor of the dormitory.

When Towa opened the door we were greeted by two figures, they were a familiar shade of white-pink and bright pink-yellow. I never thought I'd see them in person, but truly, this world really is something.

They were non other than the infamous Oni known as Nakiri Ayame and the diva succubus known as Mano Aloe.

And they were... bickering?

"OI I'm not going to move your suit cases just because you're used to someone doing it for you!" the school uniform wearing Oni said, "she looks a bit worn down..." I though, deadpanning at the situation.

The Diva she was talking to in question seemed to huff at this. Seemingly in indignation?

"I grace this school with my very presence and yet people still aren't quite willing to put in the effort for my wellbeing" she said, flipping her hair in a casual manner, she didn't seem bratty about it though, but I couldn't quite tell if she was entirely joking...

"And there are plenty of brats willing to grovel at you feet around these parts..."

Towa seemed to want to sprint out of here as soon as possible and honestly if it weren't for me being enamored by the sight of the two talents I had also previously only seen on youtube I would be the same.

However we weren't observers for much longer as the Oni saw us and a look of pure relief crossed her face. The Diva followed the white haired girl's gaze and greeted us with enthusiasm.

"Hi there new roomies!!"




Fun fact of today: I have two sheep plushies called Watambe and Watambe junior, yes watambe not watame I'm not some numb-nut that can't spell names.

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