2. What in rein-tarnation?

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I like to think that I think all my actions through thoroughly. However, everything from jumping in front of a truck and saving some random child I don't know to the fact that I'm about to dive headfirst into some kind of summoning circle says otherwise. To think that minutes ago I was still doing office work.

I looked up into the bright yellow magic circle in the middle of this strange void I was now in. Well it's not like I have another choice and theres not so much to see in this infinite void. I wonder if takodachi's are made from this kind of stuff.

I swam to where the magic circle was, "it doesn't seem like theres something on the other side. It just looks like a glowing magic circle."

"Here goes nothing I guess" I said whilst swimming into the circle, I saw a bright light envelope everything until I couldn't even see anything except for the bright lights surrounding me. Everything went bright before it all faded away into the scene in front of me.

A large... classroom? I looked around to see a large classroom filled with an assortment of people with the weirdest hair colors, some had horns and fangs or long strange tails. Looking up I saw that I was surrounded by a-lot of people. Are they standing in a circle around ...me?

Of course the most interesting thing was the fact that out of the large crowd of strange high schoolers and a teacher, I clearly saw one person that I did recognize. But she's a vtuber... how? Looking up, I saw the face of Tokoyami Towa herself. She looked just as bewildered as the rest of the people standing in this circle.

Also... why am I so short, and stubby. Looking at what I could assume was now me. I saw two black paws with purple and green claws. I didn't need a mirror to imagine what the rest of me looked like. Isn't this...

I wanted to dive deeper into self discovery of what I now was but the teacher that was supervising, the I assume devil class spoke up first. "Excellent display of magic Tokoyami-san, you can de-summon this familiar now, no need to make a contract on the first try". WHAT?? IS THIS GEEZER TRYING TO SEND ME BACK TO WHATEVER VOID I WAS IN JUST NOW.

No way, I just got here. I looked down to see some faint remnants of the magic circle I came from. I looked up before deciding something that was definitely irrational, but then again everything is so hectic right now, I couldn't care less. I jumped up and decided to sit right on Towa's head.

The teacher looked like he might just blow up, I hugged Towa a bit tighter. She doesn't seem to mind. I looked down to see her looking up at me.

"Eh, sensei, I think I quite like her, she even came out of the magic circle without doing anything so if you don't mind" she whispered the last part. Wait did she say... I see so I'm a girl. Not like it really matters in my opinion, I'm a literal black ball shaped familiar.

The teacher seemed to want to discourage Towa, but she remained positive that she wanted to keep me. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. No wonder people like to call her TMT, she really is an angel.

"Well Tokoyami-san, if you really feel so strongly about it, don't forget to finish making the contract" the teacher said before turning to the other students that were probably going to summon their own familiars.

Towa let out a breath before walking to one of the tables. She grabbed me gently and put me on the table before sitting down on a chair. "What am I going to call you huh" she said while gently patting me on the head". That feels really nice, now I understand why people like headpats so much.

She let her hand rest on her head before saying " how about Bibi, I think it would suit you". I thought about it, well her original familiar from back in the world I came from was called Bibi too, and names aren't that big of a deal. I nodded rapidly while closing my eyes, I could also feel my tail wagging. Having a tail sure is going to be a weird adjustment.

"Okay then Bibi, could you hold your paw out" Towa said while also raising her hand slightly. I did as she wanted and she held her hand against mine, as a glowing light appeared in between us. 

After a few more announcements from the annoying teacher that kept trying to convince Towa to boot me back into the void, he said that in the next class they would be testing our powers, to also gain a deeper bond with those we're bound with.

I barely know what I am, how am I supposed to use these so called powers. I didn't get a chance to practice before we got there. I still can't believe Towa is carrying me, what a blessing to be small. STOP BEING SO INDECISIVE ME!

I looked around at the other seemingly high school kids. Some of these familiars they've summoned look kinda scary.

Another teacher, one I presume was teaching this class came into the class, scanning the room before starting to talk. "Up here you can see targets, your familiar will fire a spell of will at them and the target will measure up its power". "Try to work together with your familiar or you will undoubtedly get a low score". This old man seems logical at least.


Im not really that confident

I think Towa-sama must've sensed it, cause she tightened the hug around me and gave me a smile. THATS IT I CAN DIE HAPPY NOW, well die again that is, no wait I gotta live and blast this target into oblivion for Towa-sama's happiness!

Some annoying kids seemed to be doubting me, "waahh, Towa-san, can that small creature even do anything". You know what brat, I'm going to try hard just because of you. Towa seems a lot more shy than I remember her to be, but she's also younger here. I must show my support!

I leaped down from Towa-sama's arms and onto the table in front of the target. Maybe I should keep it simple, try and recreate that beam Fubuzilla shot in that hologra episode. I breathed in, breathed out and as I opened my mouth again...

A second life as a hololive familiarWhere stories live. Discover now