1. The start, the end and the beginning

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Start story

I looked up from my phone as the train was starting up, its about time, I feel like this day is going to be shit. First I woke up late for work and now the train is running behind schedule. I leaned back and sighed because of how unfair this world was. I looked back on my phone before seeing that one of the Hololive members had posted an original song, I was about to jump for joy before realizing that in my rush to get to the train... I had forgotten my earphones.

This world hates me...

I sat slumped in my seat and decided that I'd scroll through twitter instead, see if there is anything worth looking at. Of course even if there wasn't anything particularly interesting, it was sure to keep me busy at least.

I'm not a very interactive of particularly dedicated Hololive fan, but they were an important part of my life, and probably the reason I haven't fallen into depression. I deadpanned at my internal monologue.

It's not that my life is terrible, it just feels kinda grey and empty. However I do have some nice friends at the office and people that care about me at home. Its just that my social battery isn't the greatest and socializing takes a lot out of me.

~time skip provided by an existential crisis and twitter~

Getting out of the train and stretching for a bit, I finally made my way into the heart of the city where my office was. I have some time left over, maybe I should grab a quick cup of coffee. I looked at my watch once more before ultimately deciding that, starting the day caffeinated was better than doing without.

I entered one of the surrounding little shops that I was quite familiar with. This one in particular has great strong coffee and the old lady that serves it knows just how to make it the way I like it best.

I went to the counter and ordered my favorite coffee together with a fruit sandwich. The lady took about five minutes to get everything ready. I paid for everything before exiting the shop and giving the old lady a quick wave goodbye.

The walk to work was relatively short, nothing new at this point. The city's draining my life away, or maybe I'm melodramatic. I entered the building while nibbling on my sandwich. Taking the elevator up, I read that I was almost at the seventh floor, where my office was.

~time skip provided by the empty void we call work~

I had been working for a few hours and already had my lunch break. I was stretching when suddenly two girls decided to come to my box office. Ah crud, its the Ww's (work wenches), why can't they understand that I'm not interested in being: one, their friend, two, their significant other. IM NOT INTERESTED IN LOVE. Not like I'd know, since I haven't had a crush before. I like watching the girls at Hololive but not really in a romantic or crushing way.

Though, the Tee Tee makes my heart warm, how sad I can't attain this feeling for my own. Ack, I'm being poetic again. Before I could go back into poetic existential crisis mode the Ww's decided to open their mouths. "So Y/n, would you mind helping me with this project, its reaally difficult" the blonde said while putting on some kind of pathetic face.

I sighed but decided to indulge this lady, just once though. She didn't even thinks twice about using my first name... and she didn't use any honorifics, this lady truly is hopeless.

After thoroughly explaining some really easy admin work to the bimbo, she seemed to have at least noticed that I was not interested in her or her companion and so they left. Probably to go torture some other unfortunate soul in this place. I thought whilst externally deadpanning.

~time skip brought by the work wenches terrorizing the office Y/n works in~

I sighed as I stretched my back out as it let out a satisfying pop. I had watched some streams in between my work when I had some time free. Though, the headphones they provide at work here are really crappy. I didn't want to listen to the new song with these headphones, they'd ruin it.

I got up from my office chair and collected the extra papers to put in my bag. Welp, Y/n is heading out. I took the elevator down and started to walk out of the building and then over the streets. I was standing before a traffic light, when I saw a young child running over. Wait, its still red though!! The child seemed adamant to get to their mother that was standing next to me. THIS KID IS GOING TO GET HIT.

The mom was screaming at the kid to get back but the noises of the cars and trucks were drowning her out and before I knew it, I had sprinted over the street and pushed the child away from what would have been a tragic accident.

And as I felt the truck hit my side and probably break just about all my bones. I thought, this kid, this kid better live a great and fulfilling life, they better have a beautiful happy ending with their significant other. And as I was bleeding out on the floor, the mom of the kid calling an ambulance. I knew it would be to late. She shot me the most grateful look I have ever seen, one only a mother could posses.

I gave her a small smile as she squeezed my hand lightly, I faintly heard sirens in the background but by then my life had already expired. My last thought being,"I couldn't even listen to that Hololive original song".

And in the deep restful darkness that had enveloped me, I suddenly saw light again... in the shape of a summoning circle??

Komedi of the day:
What are you??
Im on a roll
*zooms away on my baguette*

An: Komedi of the day:What are you??Im on a roll*zooms away on my baguette*

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Also I have a headache

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