chapter 8: First task, a familiar

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A/n: B= yelling = letters, talking through minds and parseltongue

 Previously: Tom: oh really, then he will indeed pay with his life. soon they finished making the plan, and Harriet had a smirk on her face, both of them shared a passionate kiss before Harriet went back to Hogwarts.

~ be warned he is coming back and Cedric Diggory will pay with his life for having the audacity to insult his queen~ 


Three days later, it was finally time for the first task, everyone was in the stadium, the students were cheering, while the teachers were getting everything ready. meanwhile, the four champions were in the tent getting ready, Harriet, Viktor, and fleur were talking and laughing like it was nothing, while Cedric was panicking because he didn't know what their first task was. 

soon the teachers walked in with a bag, and ask them to put their hands in the red bag, Viktor went first, then fleur, after she was Cedric and last but not least, Harriet, she got the last dragon which also was the scariest one out of all of them. son after the tournament began.

first was Viktor, and it was really easy because the dragon was weak but he use the trick tom showed him, he came back after 5 minutes, the same thing with fleur but she only took 8 minutes to get the golden eggs. when it was Cedric's turn he almost got burned but he succeed and got the golden egg, and it took about 30 minutes! finally, it was Harriet's turn. she came out of the tent in a white outfit, unlike the other three who wore the outfit to represent their house and school, Harriet's outfit was white, with some dark blue in it, you can clearly tell she wasn't going to represent Gryffindor.

 she came out of the tent in a white outfit, unlike the other three who wore the outfit to represent their house and school, Harriet's outfit was white, with some dark blue in it, you can clearly tell she wasn't going to represent Gryffindor

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most of the Gryffindor made sounds of disappointment, but Harriet didn't care, she just focus on the dragon in front of her. the dragon was about to attack her when Harriet said to stop in parseltongue, there stood a shocking dragon when a mortal was able to speak parseltongue." you're a speaker" said the dragon, Harriet answer yes.

soon Harriet told the dragon what was happening and of course, the dragon said Harriet was her familiar now, apparently, Dumbledore put the dragon under a glamour to make the dragon look scary, Harriet took off the glamour and the dragon had beautiful white skin and pink eyes.

since the dragon was too big, Harriet made her smaller and the little thing flew and landed on Harriet's shoulder. Harriet got the golden egg and went back to the tent leaving a shocked stadium and a panicking dumbledore.

After the first task, the friend group went to the Room of requirement where they met with Draco and mione, and they started reading books trying to figure out what to do with the golden eggs. after three hours of them looking through a ton of books, they finally understand what to do with the golden eggs. they decided to go eat dinner.

 Draco left before them, soon the four friends arrived at the great hall, as soon as they open the door all eyes were on them, some were scared of Harriet, some were jealous, some thought that Harriet would forget everything they said to Harriet(ron) .

Harriet, mione, fleur, and Viktor sat down at the table some students moved away, and ron just had to speak.

Ron: you know you should thank me!

Harriet: thank you? for what, last time I check all you did is insult me and call me names. and pls don't say anything like oh "I wanted to tell you that the first talks were about dragons", because you didn't.

Ron: What is your problem, I'm just trying to save you, 

Harriet: save me? oh please I'm the one that has been doing the saving every since I join this school, every single year, I risked my life to stop the dark lord from coming back, you know I don't need saving, you, the wizard word need my saving, without me, Voldemort would make all of your life hell, without me, Dumbledore and his army of phoenix wouldn't stand a chance against the dark lord and his army of death eaters. so be grateful, because I can sit on my ass and watch the dark lord kill all of you and not stop him. so stop saying shit like that and SIT YOUR ASS DOWN RON!

                                     ~ A mother's treasure is her kids~

                                              TO be continued

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