The final Battle.

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#3 pov

It was a few days after Harriet showed the whole world she was on the dark side, and Dumbledore still didn't tell a word about everything he did, he hid behind his grandfather's mask telling everyone that it was going to be ok. he was so busy trying to think of a plan that he didn't realize that Draco, Harriet, luna,mione, Neville and the twin came back getting people on the dark side. 

the only house they didn't recruit was Gryffindor. but the other three houses were recruited and were being trained right under his nose, all of his staff were on the dark side too, MCgonagal was furious when she heard about what Dumbledore did to tom and Harriet.

there was 2 month left before the summer break. so everything was going well for the dark side. meanwhile, molly and her offspring got a letter from gringrots and they had to Harriet back with interest, and they didn't have the money. ron of course was saying how they didn't deserve this and how Harriet was the reason why they almost died every year and of course, ginny also agreed.

it was on Friday and at dinner time everyone was in the great hall enjoying their dinner. talking about everything that was happening. the chatter of the great hall was stopped by the great hall opening." good evening everyone, miss me?" said a mysterious person with a green mask, Dumbledore got up from the head table and ask the mysterious person who they were.

Harriet: aww how could you forget about me albus, after you ruined my life?

dumbledore: Harriet what are you doing here?

Harriet: may I remind you that I'm the heiress of this school and I'm here to end this ridiculous war once and for all.

dumbledore: well then you just fell into my trap foolish girl!

dumbledore clap his hands and Aurors appeared from everywhere. dumbledore had a smirk on his face thinking he won, but oh boy he was wrong. Harriet took off her mask and started laughing "oh albus you really think I would walk in without a plan ? I am not foolish like you"Dumbledore made a face of curiosity trying to understand what she meant. "well then I think it's time we end this" said Harriet.

and just like that every student and every teacher apart from the Gryffindors walked and stand side to side with Harriet. dumbledore was shocked at how did they get everyone on their side. Harriet walked out of the great hall with a smirk on her face but not before saying one word. " Attack"  and just like that, the final battle began. 

almost every Aurors died, Dumbledore was walking toward the front of the school where everyone else was, molly and her offspring joined with the auror that survived, and they were met with the dark lord and his followers. 

Tom: albus tell how does it feel to know that you lost?

Harriet: how does it feel knowing that you fail and you are going to rot In hell

Dumbledore stayed quiet, not having the courage to say a word same thing with the auros, but ron just had to speak.

Ron: how could you Harriet, after all, we did for you!

harriet: you mean stealing my money and knowing damn well that Dumbledore killed my parent and blamed it on my mate?

Ginny: you are nothing but a slut Harri-

ginny wasn't able to finish her sentence, she was hit with green lighting, making her body fall on the ground, molly started screaming after seeing her daughter's dead body,ron got mad and took his want out but wasn't able to aim when he also got hit by the killing curse. everyone looks away from molly and his kids to see every death eater aiming their wand at them.

Tom: so how do you want to this abuse, spend the rest of your miserable life in Azkaban or we kill you right here right now!

Harriet: putting him in Azkaban is doing him a favor I say he dies right here, right now!

and just like that Dumbledore stood there as two killing curses hit him, and he fell to the ground, he looked at how everyone celebrated, how Harriet and tom looked so happy with each other. and with that, he took his last breath while looking at how he failed. it was finally over, the wizarding world was finally free from a lunatic who wanted nothing but fame and money. 

                                                       to be continued

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