Thank you!

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Hey everyone, Stick to the Script and Writing the Script are officially over now! I want to thank everyone reading this for all of the love and support you give! 

You all are what inspired me to continue and write a sequel to a once in my mind finished book and I am so happy that I did! In fact, you all inspired me to write Power Hungry, my second book. It only seems fitting now that you all inspired me to write my third book. You can read Before the War now!

Other plans that I have moving forward include editing this book a little bit (just fixing spelling or other minor mistakes I made along the way). I also still have a few one-shots written that I may post into their own book...

If you have any questions about the plot or something that happened within the story, you can comment here! If there are enough questions or one that I think is worth clearing up for everybody, I may post it in a new chapter with my responses. 

If you have any questions about me, the author, you can comment here! I don't know what you all would want to ask about me, but I've read several books with Author Q&A sections that I'd thought I'd offer it.

Again, I want to thank you all for the reads, votes, and comments! You guys really made this a fun experience for me and I hope this book shared the same enjoyment for you too!

For now, this is goodbye, but ily all so much and hope to see you soon...



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