Chapter 25

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After leaving the prison, Tommy offers to walk me back to my house and I happily accept, shaken up from the entire experience. After conquering Wilbur, I built my own house seeing that I needed somewhere to stay while stuck in this world, and I didn't want to encroach on people's homes anymore. Tommy drops me off at my house and apologizes, telling me that he must tell the others about Dream's actions today to see whether or not they wish to proceed with the vote to take him out of jail.

I look around my little cottage, it suddenly feeling much larger with me being alone in it. I glance around for something to distract myself within it, but none of the books on the wall look appealing to read. I'm starting to get anxious from being left alone when a knock sounds from the door.

I walk over and open the door to find Technoblade. "Hi Techno", I say, greeting him cheerfully and welcoming him inside. 

"Hi y/n, Tommy told me about what happened and I wanted to make sure you were doing alright." 

I wrap Techno in a hug. "Thank you", I mumble into his chest. 

Technoblade freezes, still not the biggest fan of human contact, but his stoic composure dissolves as one arm hugs me back and the other pats my head. When I decide to release Techno from my hug- because everyone knows that my hugs are inescapable- he looks down at me expectantly. "So, are doing alright now?" 

"Just a little bit better", I say with a laugh. "Can you actually stay and do something with me, I could really use a distraction." 

Technoblade glances around my cottage. "What were you thinking?" 

I yank Technoblade towards my living room and tell him to wait as I collect all of the blankets and pillows from around my house. "Pillow fort", I say eagerly as I drop my collection in front of him.

Technoblade gives me a look. I start to feel embarrassed by my idea until he speaks. "You know, Tommy stopped making pillow forts with me after he said I took it too seriously."

I laugh in disbelief. "Alright, let's go all out," I say gesturing to the pile. 

Five hours later and I've never regretted telling Technoblade something more. 

"Technoblade you can't recreate both the gothic and romanesque architecture periods in a pillow fort."

"Watch me, y/n", he says, intricately placing yet another mini pillow onto the small stack he was forming. Where did he get the mini pillows, I have yet to find out and am honestly too scared to ask. I roll my eyes as the small stack collapses and Technoblade restarts the small pillar. 

Suddenly, I get an idea. While Techno was hunched over and focused solely on stacking his pillars, I went behind him and grabbed a large pillow. I smirk as I lift the pillow up and over my head, winding up to bring it down full force on his head. I squeeze my eyes shut and then strike, thrusting downward as fast as I can. My pillow makes contact and I open my eyes to see Technoblade staring at me, my pillow being stopped inches from his head by his hand.

Oh no.

"And what do you think you are doing?" Technoblade rips the pillow out of my hands and I suddenly feel extremely unprotected. 

"Ha ha- uh- you see, I was uh... sorry?" 

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you were trying to start a... pillow fight." Technoblade stands up and I take a step back. 

"Haha no really it was a joke- Technoblade problem no there is not! No fights here!" 

"Well if it's a fight you want", Technoblade says, lifting the pillow over his head, "IT'S A FIGHT YOU'VE GOT!" Technoblade slams the pillow down and I screech, dashing away to avoid being obliterated by his pillow. 

I sprint around the room and pick up my own pillow. "HAHA", I yell, triumphantly turning to face Technoblade now that I was armed. 

What a fool I was. I should have kept running.
Technoblade stood barely behind me with TWO pillows. 

I should have invested in softer pillows, or maybe any material Technoblade bashes you over the head with will hurt, because the second Technoblade made contact with the pillow and my face, I crouched into a ball on the floor and cowered, trying to protect myself with my pillow. 

Techno laughs from above me and mercilessly unleashes a barrage of attacks, alternating strikes with his two pillows. 

"I surrender", I cry out. 

Technoblade stops hitting me and I lower my pillow shield. He stands smugly overhead. "Don't start what you can't finish, y/n. And on that note, I'm going to go finish the pillow fort." 

I'm beyond upset with Technoblade's taunting, so the second Technoblade turns his back and makes his way over to the pillow fort, I leap up and attack him from behind. As if expecting my retaliation, Technoblade quickly turns around. 

It was an epic battle with the two of us striking and dodging. At one point I even managed to grab the extra pillow from Techno and throw it away, leaving us each with one. 

"You know, y/n, that was a pretty dirty move, fighting after you surrender." 

"Yeah well, who taught me there's no such thing as a dirty move if it helps you win?" 

I start to wear out and Technoblade senses this, pushing his attacks forward causing me back up towards my couch. I get an idea and jump on top of the couch, thinking I'll have the advantage striking from above. Almost instantly Techno swipes my feet from under me and I crumple down. Technoblade quickly snatches my pillow from me as I regain my composure. 

"THE TRIANGLES NEVER FAIL ME, LET'S GO!" Technoblade yells. 

"The triangles- what?" 

Technoblade proceeds to explain how he calculated the Pythagorean Theorem to defeat me in our pillow fight. 

I scoff. "Whatever Techno", I say in disbelief. 

"Well you can either choose to believe in the triangle or believe that Technoblade never dies", he says with a smirk. 

I roll my eyes and return to our fort, flopping on the floor. "I'm exhausted", I complain. 

"Well, in that case, I think I'll head back to my base and you should get some rest." 

"Or you could have a sleepover", I say eagerly. 

Technoblade shakes his head at my antics. "I told Philza I'd be back later tonight to help him with some potion-making".

I frown. "Alright fine, you can go." I walk Technoblade to the door and tell him goodbye as he walks off.

*~-~-~-~-~POV Technoblade~-~-~-~-~*

I'm walking back to my base after a fun visit with y/n when the voices start to act up. Lately, I've had such good control over them. I can't even remember the last time they've been this loud since Wilbur was kicked out. 

I falter, gripping my head as it felt like it was splitting open from the piercing noise. The voices start to yell and the pain is blinding as I fall to my knees. The voices synchronize into one recognizable voice. 

"Technoblade", the voice says. "There are some things we need to discuss.


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

I have great plans for the rest of this story and I could not be more excited!! (If you can't tell the plot is starting to pick up now) ;)

Thank you all for reading, commenting, and voting- it's crazy to wake up every morning to see that this story is still getting constant love <3

Ily all and will be seeing you very soon...


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