Chapter 18

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Tommy and I walk in silence all the way back to the dirt hut that he calls home. As we get closer, a fire appears in the distance. 

"What the...?", Tommy mutters. "Is that my- oh no!" 

Tommy hastens his pace, pulling me along by the hand. What once was Tommy's home is now a crater. The rubble is decorated in netherrack which had been set ablaze. In the center of the fire is a chest with a sign.

'Come and see me Wednesday. You, Tubbo, and y/n ALONE. If anyone else shows up the discs are gone forever.'

Tommy furiously curses under his breath as he gets buckets of water to put out the fire. 

I stand in a daze, why won't he leave me alone? 

My eyes sweep over the sign 'bring y/n'. I sink to my knees. 

Tommy notices my reaction and abandons putting out the fires to check on me. "Y/n, it's going to be ok! We will take down the evil homeless man once and for all!" 

"No-no-no-no-no-no", I mutter. I look up to meet his concern-filled eyes. "I can never get away Tommy! He'll never leave me be- what's the point? I should've just stayed with him while he wasn't mad- now he's going to take me again and lock me up like the first time". My chest tightens and my vision blurs. "He's going to put me back- I can't go back! Don't let him take me back!" I'm shaking and breathing heavily. I can hear Tommy's voice but it's so distant. "I can't- I can't g-go back-ack", I sputter. I bring my knees to my chest and hug them, hiding my head. 

Tommy carefully sits and scoots closer to me. I feel as he wraps his arms around me. We sit in silence, my erratic breathing being the only noise. 

I slowly steady my breathing and regain my composure. "Th-thank you", I choke out after a bit. 

"Shh, don't thank me. After everything you've ever done for me, it's the least I can do. Y/n, you can always come to me", he promises.

I poke my head out of my knees to look at Tommy and give him a weak smile.


The day to meet Dream has arrived. Tommy, Tubbo, and I have spent almost every waking moment collecting supplies and making gear. 

"Ok- let's go over our supplies and make sure we have everything", I tell the two boys. We spend a few minutes reviewing the items we have- nothing is different from the last check I did two minutes ago. 

"Y/n, we're ready! Ready as we'll ever be at least", Tubbo reassures me. 

"Before we go, there's some stuff I want to say", Tommy says. "I want the two of you to know that no matter what happens-" 

"Tommy", I say, cutting him off. "You know the rules- no dramatic goodbyes. This is just like any other adventure- we are all coming back tonight to celebrate getting your discs back". 

"But what if this is a repeat of the final L'manberg war?" 

"It won't be", Tubbo chirps. "We're going to work together and win the day!" 

I give Tubbo a smile, "What he said, Tommy!" 

Tommy takes out the compass from the chest Dream left for us. "Let's do this then", he says, flashing me a smile.

 We all do one final group hug and set down the prime path to wherever Dream is waiting for us. As we walk along the path, various people come to wish us luck. While I didn't personally know everyone- it is touching to see that they care for and supported me and the boys. 

The further we walk, the fewer buildings surround us. Eventually, we reach barren lands and a vast ocean to pass. We all squeeze into a boat and Tommy, who heavily insisted, rows it. Me and Tubbo point out random animals we could see on the islands that we pass to distract ourselves from what lay waiting for us. 

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