Chapter 23

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It's been a little over a month since we expelled Wilbur from this world and freed the people of the DreamSMP of his influential control. During that time I've learned to accept that I am stuck in this world and have been trying to make the best of my situation. I've been working on befriending everyone, which has been relatively successful. Of course, there were a few people who were initially icy and were stubborn to move past my confession that their world was once something I viewed as a form of entertainment, but now I am welcomed by everyone. 

It was while I was finishing off one of Niki's famous pies in her cafe when I heard the news. Tommy came bursting through the doors screaming my name, nearly giving both me and Niki heart attacks in the process. 


"OH- Tommy you nearly made me drop my pan of cookies!", Niki scolds.

"Ohh me gusta! Can I have a cookie please, woman?" 

Niki gives Tommy a glare, but the playful twinkle in her eyes reveals how much she loves Tommy and his antics. "Oh all right, but you better apologize to y/n, look how bad you scared her!" 

See I wasn't scared- I had just taken the largest mouthful of the pie Niki gave me and Tommy's shouting startled me to the point where I miss-swallowed and was now tearing up as I choked down the pie awkwardly. Tommy watched as I suffered and began cackling. 

"St-waph", I mutter. I watch as Niki turns to hide her grin. I feel my face begin to heat up in embarrassment and chug water to help the pie down. This only sets Tommy laughing off even harder. 

"Oh stop it would you, why did you even come running in here in the first place?", Niki says, taking Tommy's attention away from me.

Tommy's laughing immediately stops as he regains his composure. "There is talk about letting Dream out of prison." 

I stop what I'm doing to look at Tommy. "Wait- what? Why?" 

"Well technically Dream was a pawn that Wilbur had been playing with this whole time, he was just the unlucky one who was dealt the role of playing that villain. A few of us have been talking and think that maybe we should consider giving him a second chance seeing that Wilbur is gone."

"A second chance?! That monster has done so much harm to our lands! He started wars, manipulated and killed people, and don't forget-", Niki says passionately.

"Yes Niki, I understand how much wrong he has done, believe me, I've lived through most of it", Tommy says to calm down Niki. "We haven't made a final decision, that will be done by vote probably later this month, but I wanted to tell you now." 

"Thanks, Tommy, it really is a tricky subject considering we can't know for sure how much Wilbur has affected everyone's decisions up until this point."

"Yeah well I do think Dream ought to know what's happening, I mean, no one has visited him yet so how would he even know that Wilbur was controlling people." 

Oh, that's right, Dream hasn't been informed about Wilbur controlling everyone yet. I started to feel a small trace of guilt. Have we really just left a potentially innocent man barred in prison for nearly a month? 

Tommy must have noticed the visible concern on my face as he places a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Hey don't worry about it, in fact, we can go later today to talk to him. Let's let Warden Sam know we wish to visit and we can speak to him together." 

I give him a smile and nod. I turn back to Niki. "Thank you so much for the pie, it was delicious!"

"The way you choked it down would say otherwise", she teases. 

I feel my face heat up again as Tommy resumes his childish cackle. "I'll stop by again later", I promise, nearly shouting to be heard over Tommy.


And it feels great to be back!

Like always I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

I always read your comments (even if I don't respond) so I wanted to let everyone know here how much it means seeing you all come back after a long wait and immediately showering this story with love <3 

Ily all so much and hope you all have a SPOOPY HALLOWEEN🎃

I'll see you all soon...


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